The Vector/Signal/Image Processing Library (VSIPL) is a DARPA initiated effort made up of industry, government and academic representatives who have defined an industry standard API for vector, signal, and image processing primitives for real-time signal processing on high performance systems. VSIPL supports a wide range of data types (int, float, complex, ...) and layouts (vectors, matrices and tensors) and is ideal for astronomical data processing. The VSIPL API is intended to serve as an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard interface. The object-based VSIPL API abstracts the memory architecture of the underlying machine by using the concept of memory blocks and views. Early experiments with VSIPL code conversions have been carried out by the High Performance Computing Program team at the UCSD. Commercially, several major vendors of signal processors are actively developing implementations. VSIPL has also been explicitly required as part of a recent Rome Labs teraflop procurement. This poster presents the VSIPL API, its functionality and the status of various implementations.