Sarah Wolpert

Describe your work at the Laboratory.
As a system integration and test engineer, my job is to make sure the parts of large, complex systems work together, and to structure the testing and integration activities for assuring that the system "actually" works. To integrate a system, I really have to learn a lot about all aspects of the system. I consider myself a life-long learner, and I take a lot of pride in being able to quickly pick up enough information in a variety of subject areas to make technical trade-offs.
Are you involved in any outreach activities or employee groups?
I am a committee member of the Lincoln Laboratory Women's Network and a part of the committee to organize the Lincoln Laboratory Communications Workshop, an annual conference open to the military communications community. During my years at the Lab, I have learned how to provide information clearly and concisely to the highly intelligent and very busy population here. On both committees, I am able to put that ability to distill information to good use.