
Andres Sisneros

Signal Processing Engineer
Photo of Andres Sisneros
The Lab has this rare mix of focus on technical excellence, innovation, and work-life balance that really pushes me to flourish in my career and as a person.

Andres is working on developing signal processing that will allow a radar system to "see" through obstructions like building rubble. Enabling radar detection of people or objects through such density is an unresolved challenge, and that's what Andres likes about this project. "The solution is not already totally figured out," he says, "so we have a lot of fun trying out things." He also appreciates that the Laboratory culture is one that both allows staff a lot of independence in exploring their research and also encourages collaboration among colleagues. "I have had many good mentors," he says of his current experience and his summer internships when he was an engineering grad student at the University of Michigan. 

Although Andres has been a full-time staff member for less than a year, he was selected to be a co-chair of the Hispanic Latino Network, an employee resource group (ERG) that is helping make the Laboratory an inclusive community. This past June, he and leaders of other Laboratory ERGs attended the EmERGe Leadership Summit in New Jersey to share ideas on how ERGs can support their organizations' goals. He says one role for the network is partnering with Human Resources to recruit a more diverse set of applicants.