Noah Stein

What does your role as a technician entail?
As a transmitter technician, I assist in the preventive and corrective maintenance of the Millstone Hill Radar and help out when needed with the Haystack Ultrawideband Satellite Imaging Radar and the Haystack Auxiliary Radar. Various parts of the systems and subsystems of these radars — all part of the Lincoln Space Surveillance Complex — may require cleaning, replacing modules, rewiring, re-cabling, and re-terminating. I work with plumbers to help repair cooling issues, electricians to fix power supplies, and machinists to help fabricate and fix parts. It’s a satisfying feeling to know you were part of the team that helped fix an issue.
Currently, I’m assisting with a major upgrade to the Millstone Hill Radar. Being involved in this highly technical upgrade, I am exposed to every part of the system as it’s being developed and put together. This familiarity will be helpful for future troubleshooting, giving me a good sense of where to look when a component isn’t functioning correctly.
What is your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment is my military service. I spent nine years in the U.S. Navy as an electronics technician for communication, radar, and navigation systems onboard the USS Boxer in San Diego, California. I completed tough training and four deployments, including to Afghanistan, where I worked with a provincial reconstruction team.
What advice would you give to fellow veterans considering a career here?
My advice for veterans or anyone interested in a career here would be to keep learning. Always ask questions and educate yourself. This place is designed to always keep up with new technologies and techniques, as well as developing those technologies and techniques.