Karyn Lundberg

Where are you originally from?
I grew up in Livermore, California. I feel very lucky to have grown up in the San Francisco Bay Area. The natural beauty of that region is amazing. Within a two-hour drive, you can be up in the Sierras at Yosemite or down on the beach in Big Sur. The culture of Livermore itself is heavily influenced by the presence of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. We always had great math and science teachers in our schools.
What attracts you to systems analysis?
Systems analysis is a great fit for me as a mathematician because I get to be a generalist. I model how diverse sensors and other components work together at the systems level to enable mission success. I enjoy understanding and contributing to this big picture view of what it means for a new technology to be valuable to our sponsors, and I get to develop a breadth of knowledge across many areas. At the Laboratory, I've developed expertise in areas including optical systems, radar, hyperspectral sensors, laser radar, and electronic signals detection. Before transitioning to the Kwajalein Field Site in 2018, I focused on airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Since coming to Kwajalein, I have been exposed to the missile defense and space surveillance mission areas. That's what I love about working at Lincoln Laboratory â the endless diversity of opportunities and the constant learning.
What from your experience at Kwajalein will you bring back with you to the Laboratory's main campus in Massachusetts?
My work on Kwajalein is much more hands-on than my prior work, both in terms of hardware access and the opportunity to collaborate with members of organizations directly supporting missile flight tests and space operations. These experiences will add significant depth to the systems analysis and modeling work I will do in the future. On a more personal level, I'll take back the close sense of community that exists here. Kwajalein is a place where people go out of their way to help each other. There is a lot of volunteer involvement in the school system, so the kids benefit from learning about the varied careers of the diverse Kwajalein population. I started a Robotics Club for fifth and sixth graders, one of whom is my son, and I plan to continue supporting Kâ12 educational outreach in robotics when I return to Massachusetts.