Guillermo Morales

What aspects of your work do you take the most pride in?
I feel a great sense of pride in being a valuable member of the Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center team. We are committed to achieving a common goal and providing assistance to others in their research efforts. Each day is unique, as we provide support to a wide range of research areas and teams, and it is truly fulfilling to see the positive outcomes of their hard work being recognized in published research papers or media coverage knowing that we contributed to their achievements.
How has your career evolved during your time at the Laboratory?
I have experienced incredible career growth since I joined the Laboratory. Initially, I was a contingent worker in late 2021, but my hard work and dedication helped me secure a full-time position. My team members have been wonderful mentors and friends, and their guidance has been crucial to my success. They inspire me to push my limits and learn and grow every day. Thanks to their support, I was able to complete my associate's degree in record time. Now, I am motivated to further my education, knowing that I have a full team behind me.
Why do you think Lincoln Laboratory is a good fit for you?
The Laboratory is the perfect workplace for me. It offers the professional challenges that I'm seeking while also fostering a team environment, which I have been searching for since leaving the military. Additionally, it offers the much-needed work-life balance that is crucial for me as a husband and a father of five children, particularly with toddler triplets!
Are you involved with any Laboratory employee resource groups, outreach activities, or professional activities?
Since I started working at the Laboratory, I have received a warm welcome from two groups—the New Employee Network (NEN) and the Lincoln Laboratory Veterans Network (LLVETS). The NEN's welcoming gesture made me feel like I belonged and was part of a great community. As a veteran, I found the welcome from LLVETS reignited the sense of camaraderie I had not felt since my time in the military. It is truly inspiring to be a part of such a supportive community.
What do you consider to be the greatest accomplishment of your life?
My military service is my greatest accomplishment after becoming a father. Nothing can match the feeling of earning a place among the few and the proud, rising through the ranks during an honorable active-duty career, and serving my country in three separate combat tours. I am grateful for the opportunity to bring all that experience into my current role.
From day to day, where do you find inspiration or motivation?
I draw inspiration and motivation from my family. Seeing my wife skillfully managing multiple projects while being an exceptional mother, and watching our children overcome daily challenges and achieve their goals fills me with admiration and wonder. They remind me that with perseverance and hard work, anything is possible.