Casey Kaldenberg

My journey to the Laboratory
I have a BA degree in Natural Science and Mathematics from Thomas Edison State University, and in the past 37 years, I’ve had two jobs: working in Security Forces for the U.S. Air Force, and being security supervisor at the Laboratory. I always like to learn new ways to enhance what I do and how we work as a team.
What my job entails
My job is to ensure a safe and secure environment for the Laboratory and all employees. I do this by trusting the security officers, alarm control operators, and supervisors I work with, as well as by leveraging technology to enhance our security posture. I coordinate security requirements with customers to ensure they have the correct officer coverage. We work with contractors, field engineers, and conference staff members to meet their security needs.
What I like about my job
I have a busy job with lots of moving parts. There are always different challenges, including customer requirements, incidents, or medical or fire alarms. I like the pace and tempo — it keeps the job fresh. But what I really enjoy is watching the young security officers get their feet in the door and then move up through the ranks. I like to think I was part of their mentorship.
A unique fact about me
I enjoy volunteer work. I was a scoutmaster for 10 years and have mentored 27 Eagle Scouts. Two of my sons earned the High School Community Volunteer Award. I also coach high school track. I’ve been head coach for three state champion teams and an assistant coach for two state championship teams.
My goals
Personally, it’s important to me to stay involved in community activities in a mentorship, coaching, or leadership role. I want to see my three sons succeed in their professional and personal lives.