Air Traffic Control - Since 1971, we have been supporting the Federal Aviation Administration in the development of new technology for air traffic control.

Air Traffic Control

Improving Air Transportation Safety

Since 1971, we have been supporting the Federal Aviation Administration in the development of new technology for air traffic control. We develop systems for aircraft surveillance, weather sensing, collision avoidance, decision support, and air traffic management automation. Learn more in our R&D brochure and our 50 Years of Research and Innovation booklet.

Air Traffic Control - Improving Air Transportation Safety

Air Traffic Control Groups

The Air Traffic Control and Weather Systems Group’s mission is to develop and deploy advanced weather sensing, forecasting, and decision support technologies with a focus on enabling safe, efficient, and cyber-secure air transportation. These technologies are designed to address the needs of a range of key users, including air traffic controllers, pilots, airlines, regulators, and other decision makers.
booklet cover

50 Years of Research and Innovation

Lincoln Laboratory’s air traffic control program reached its 50th anniversary in 2021. To commemorate this milestone, the “Celebrating 50 Years of Research and Innovation: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Air Traffic Control” booklet was created to highlight key air traffic control technologies developed by the Laboratory since 1971 and the significant impact they have had on national security and air transportation safety.

Advancing Our Research


View the leadership of the Air Traffic Control research area.

Our Staff

View the biographies of members of the Air Traffic Control research area.

Featured Publications

WSR-88D microburst detection performance evaluation

Nov 28
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-455

Career Opportunities

Discover the exciting and challenging opportunities in Air Traffic Control.