Modeled infrared signature of an aircraft.

Systems and Analysis

Our researchers provide the U.S. Air Force with technical analyses on a broad range of issues impacting the needed capabilities of U.S. aircraft.  For our sponsors, we assess the survivability of advanced U.S. Air Force aircraft versus modern air defenses, the impact of current and future electronic attack and electronic protection techniques, as well as the capability and limitations of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems.  These analyses rely on a robust modeling and simulation capability for RF and infrared sensors, GPS, and laser systems.  These modeling capabilities are continually validated through an active program of laboratory measurements and flight tests conducted with the Tactical Defense Systems Group.  

Featured Projects

The dual-band, pod-mounted sensor developed for the Airborne Seeker Test Bed is used for airborne infrared imaging and data collection.
systems analysis
For more than 40 years, Lincoln Laboratory has provided the Air Force with assessments on potential technologies for assuring the survivability of Air Force aircraft.
The GPS antenna farm provides the laboratory with live-sky access to GPS satellite signals.
We conduct research on the performance and vulnerability of GPS devices embedded in military and civilian systems.

Advancing Our Research