This imagery of Hurricane Katrina as it heads toward New Orleans was captured by a system developed at Lincoln Laboratory.

Applied Space Systems

Monitoring of both extraterrestrial and terrestrial environments from space yields important information about the nature and movements of spacecraft and celestial bodies, the activity of weather systems, and the topography of Earth. Our group develops electro-optical, infrared and microwave sensor systems for detecting and tracking natural phenomena and human-made space objects. Our researchers analyze hyperspectral imagery generated by spaceborne and airborne sensors to determine the significant features of space objects and terrains of interest. Working with other Laboratory divisions and collaborators from government agencies and academia, we have designed and prototyped next-generation space-based sensor systems, ranging from a precision instrument to detect exoplanets to a constellation of advanced radiometric instruments to better understand storm structures.

Featured Projects

a photo of a small satellite in a studio
A constellation of small satellites is collecting rapidly refreshed weather data to advance studies of hurricane structure and intensity and improve forecasts.
Imagery from the GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager
environmental monitoring
The Laboratory's long-term collaboration with NOAA and NASA on environmental monitoring satellites has led to revolutionized weather imagery and products and improved detection for space and solar phenomena.
TESS's cameras, which will monitor planets passing in front of stars, were designed and built by Lincoln Laboratory engineers. Illustration: Chester Beals
A new planet hunter will spend the next two years searching for exoplanets, including those that could support life.

Advancing Our Research

Featured Publications

The need for spectrum and the impact on weather observations

Jul 1
Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., Vol. 102, No. 7, July 2021, E1402-7.

Design, simulation, and fabrication of three-dimensional microsystem components using grayscale photolithography

Oct 1
J. Micro/Nanolith., Vol. 18, No. 4, October - December 2019, 043507.

Directly deposited optical-blocking filters for single-photon x-ray imaging spectroscopy

Jun 28
J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst., Vol. 3, No. 3 (2017), 036001.