Advanced Technology - Inventing the technological building blocks of future systems

Advanced Technology

Inventing the technological building blocks of future systems

R&D in advanced technology focuses on inventing new materials, devices, and components to enable revolutionary system capabilities. We pursue innovation in a wide set of areas, including imagers, lasers, quantum computing, microsystems, RF technology, and chemical sensors.

Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology Groups

Our group has pioneered imaging technologies that have enabled some of the world's most powerful telescopes and cameras for the defense and scientific communities. These technologies include charge-coupled-device (CCD) imagers for astronomical instruments, single-photon-sensitive imagers for foliage-penetrating ladar systems, and digital-pixel focal plane arrays for wide-area infrared cameras.

Advancing Our Research


8 - 9
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts


View the leadership of the Advanced Technology research area.

Featured Publications

Nearfield anechoic chamber and farfield on-site antenna calibration pattern comparison of an S-band planar phased array radar

Apr 27
IEEE Annual Conf. on Wireless and Microwave Technology, WAMICON, 27-28 April 2022.

Effect of a wet spherical radome on the reflected power for an S-band planar phased array radar antenna

Oct 24
2021 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symp., AMTA, 24-29 October 2021.

Multilayer microhydraulic actuators with speed and force configurations

Mar 11
Microsyst. Nanoeng., Vol. 7, Art. No. 22, 2021.

Our Staff

View the biographies of members of the Advanced Technology research area.

Career Opportunities

Discover the exciting and challenging opportunities in Advanced Technology.