ISR Systems and Technology Leadership
M. Jalal Khan
TITLE: Assistant Division Head, ISR Systems and Technology
EMAIL: m[email protected]
Dr. M. Jalal Khan is an assistant head of the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Tactical Systems Division at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Khan joined Lincoln Laboratory in 2004 as technical staff in the Active Optical Systems Group. He quickly demonstrated his ability to apply emerging technology to new application areas through his development of a sensor for standoff detection of trace explosives using terahertz (THz) radiation.
Daniel J. Ripin
TITLE: Assistant Division Head, ISR Systems and Technology
EMAIL: [email protected]
Daniel J. Ripin is an assistant head of the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Tactical Systems Division at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Prior to his promotion to this position, Ripin served as the leader of the Advanced Imager Technology Group, directing R&D in charge-coupled-device imagers, photon counting arrays, and digital focal plane arrays.
Scott B. Van Broekhoven
TITLE: Assistant Division Head, ISR Systems and Technology
EMAIL: [email protected]
Scott B. Van Broekhoven is an assistant head of the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Tactical Systems Division at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Van Broekhoven joined Lincoln Laboratory in 2001 as assistant staff in the Optical Systems Engineering Group. He initially focused on early Laboratory biodefense analysis and testing, becoming a nationally recognized expert in modeling air flow for large buildings.