Lincoln Laboratory front entrance

Official Address

Lincoln Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
244 Wood Street
Lexington, MA 02421-6426

Map and Driving Directions

Main Phone Number

For all general inquiries: 781-981-5500

Forbes Road Facility

Lincoln Laboratory
1, 3, & 5 Forbes Road
Lexington, MA 02421-6426
Map and Driving Directions

Shipping & Receiving

For deliveries to Lincoln Laboratory, please see the following:

Directions to Lincoln Laboratory Receiving Dock

Map to Lincoln Laboratory Receiving Dock

Human Resources


For information concerning career opportunities for new graduates, our college recruitment program, our on-campus technical seminar series, and summer employment, contact the College Recruiting Program Administrator.

College Recruiting Program Administrator

[email protected]

To apply for a position, or for more information about employment opportunities, please visit our Careers section.

Communications and Community Outreach Office

David Granchelli, Manager
[email protected]

Press releases or inquiries about the Laboratory's news stories can be sent to [email protected]

Security Services

Derek Jones
Chief Security Officer
[email protected]
Scott Mancini
Chief Information Security Officer
[email protected]

General Counsel

The MIT Office of General Counsel ( provides legal services for MIT Lincoln Laboratory.  Legal inquires may be sent to the onsite legal advisor at Lincoln Laboratory:

David A. Suski
244 Wood Street
Lexington, MA 02421-6426
[email protected]

Ethics and Compliance Assurance Office

MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s code of business ethics and conduct, as required by 48 CFR 52.203-13(b), is written in the Laboratory’s Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct ensures that the Laboratory conserves US government resources, protects sensitive and classified information, avoids personnel or organizational conflicts of interest, and remains free of discrimination, harassment, and racism.

If you have any information related to any potential non-observance of the Laboratory’s Code of Conduct, we welcome and encourage you to contact the Laboratory’s Ethics and Compliance Assurance Office (ECAO). ECAO may be contacted directly by email at [email protected] or by phone or text at 781-860-2058. Alternatively, reports may be submitted through the independently managed Ethics and Compliance Hotline. Reports to the Hotline can remain anonymous, as required by 48 CFR 52.203-13(c). The Hotline is available 24/7 by phone at 866-862-6166 or online at

The Laboratory strictly prohibits retaliation against any person who reports a concern through authorized channels based on a reasonable belief that wrongdoing has occurred.

Beaver Works

300 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA  02139
[email protected]

Beaver Works Website

Beaver Works Summer Institute

[email protected]

Severe Weather Closing Information

In the event of severe weather conditions, assume Lincoln Laboratory will be open. For confirmation of this or for notice of Laboratory closing, call the
Information Line (after 5:30 a.m.) – 781-981-8100.

Closings and special status announcements will appear in red banner at the top of this website.

Additionally, announcements for any closings (which will refer specifically to Lincoln Laboratory) will be broadcast on:


NDA Information

If a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is required to begin discussions between MIT Lincoln Laboratory and an outside organization, MIT Lincoln Laboratory's Technology and Contracts Office (TCO) can facilitate this process. NDAs must be requested by an MIT Lincoln Laboratory employee who will be the primary recipient and/or discloser of the confidential information.  For inquiries regarding NDAs, please contact TCO at (781) 981-5824.

For questions, comments, or problems with these pages, please contact [email protected].