Brian Telfer receives IEEE Technological Innovation Award
Brian Telfer, a senior staff member in the Bioengineering Systems and Technologies Group, was awarded the 2018 IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation Award in Industry or Government. This award is given annually to an IEEE member in the Northeast region of the United States who has significantly contributed to government or industry through the discovery of new devices, development of applications, or obtainment of significant patents.
"I was thrilled and honored to receive the award," Telfer said. "The Laboratory encourages staff to be active in professional societies, and partly based on that encouragement, I have become more active in the IEEE over the past several years. I have seen a number of benefits of that involvement — this is one of them."
Telfer has worked at the Laboratory for 23 years developing radar and biosignal processing and machine learning technologies for national security. Some of his career achievements include developing advanced algorithms and leading their integration into computer test beds linked to large instrumentation radars.
Telfer has also served as the technical lead for the development of a variety of bioengineering-based systems, including wearable sensors that collect a soldier's physiological data — heart rate, skin temperature, and body movement — to determine if that soldier is at risk for heat strain. In addition, Telfer has provided technical leadership at the Laboratory in the area of medical image processing.
To be considered for this award, an individual must be nominated by a member of IEEE. Telfer was nominated by his Laboratory colleague Phillip Phu. "The award represents Brian's outstanding technical leadership within and outside the Laboratory," Phu said. "This award is further important to the Laboratory in that it will motivate the newer and younger technical staff members to pursue similar endeavors."