Melissa Choi and David Ebel receive Air Force Public Service Awards

This year, Melissa Choi, an assistant director of the Laboratory, and David Ebel, a principal staff member in the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance and Tactical Systems Division, received awards for their service to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).
Choi received the Exceptional Public Service Award for her time as both vice chair and a member of SAB for six years in total. Among her many projects and contributions, Choi was vice chair for a study that focused on airspace surveillance in support of anti access/aerial denial operations and chair for a study about future Air Force Vanguard selection and management processes. She also helped develop new study topics, select new SAB members, and lead a team that recommended a significant revision to the SAB’s annual review process for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).
"I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the Air Force SAB," Choi said. "It was a truly unique opportunity to interact with technical leaders from across the country on problems of importance to the Air Force. It provided an excellent networking opportunity, but also let me form friendships that will last beyond the SAB. It was also great to be able to apply the skills I’ve gained in my time at the Laboratory to a different set of technical problems and bring the experience from the SAB back to the Laboratory."
Ebel received the Commander’s Public Service Award for his year of work with the SAB. During his time on the board, Ebel was part of a Secretary of the Air Force directed study panel as well as a science and technology review of AFRL technical directorates. In 2019 he participated in a study that recommended improvements concerning Air Force modeling, simulation, and analysis fidelity.
"It was gratifying to me to be able to leverage a career in air defense systems analysis at the Laboratory to help craft specific recommendations to the Air Force in this area," said Ebel. "The Laboratory is truly unique in the breadth of access it provides its staff members to advanced technologies, Air Force operational units and senior decision makers, intelligence organizations, test ranges, and industry. This access positions Laboratory engineers well to make a positive difference for the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, and other services."
Choi and Ebel both gave thanks to those they worked with during their time serving on the SAB.
"I think anyone who commits their time to being on a board like the SAB does it because they want to give back to the Air Force and the nation and have impact even beyond what we do at the Laboratory," said Choi. "However, it is a small commitment compared to that of many others who serve our country in the Air Force, so recognition that the work we do makes a difference is incredibly meaningful."