Commercial Solutions Opening

Are you small business or nontraditional defense contractor that could help to solve a national security challenge? Check out our open opportunities and submit a concept paper.

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Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)

CRADAs are agreements made between Lincoln Laboratory and a private company to work on joint R&D projects addressing national security needs.

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Small Business

Lincoln Laboratory has an aggressive program designed to give small businesses the greatest possible opportunity to participate in Laboratory acquisitions and obtain awards.

Small Business Office Website

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) are programs designed to fund and assist early-stage R&D performed by small companies.

Learn about SBIR and STTRs

Test Agreements

If you are ready to test or validate your technology but are unable to access test facilities in the private sector, consider entering into a test agreement that will allow your technology to be tested in Lincoln Laboratory's state-of-the-art facilities. 

More Information

General Contracting Information

We routinely work with vendors of all sizes for commercial acquisitions of equipment, material, services, and more.

Contracting information

NDA Information

If a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is required to begin discussions between Lincoln Laboratory and an outside organization, the Laboratory's Technology and Contracts Office (TCO) can facilitate this process. NDAs must be requested by a Laboratory employee who will be the primary recipient and/or discloser of the confidential information. For inquiries regarding NDAs, please contact TCO at (781) 981-5824.