Tyler Kaczmarek

The Laboratory isn't afraid to face the future of national security with revolutionary ideas, and as cyber-physical systems encroach on more and more facets of everyday life, a revolution is needed.

Tyler Kaczmarek

Dr. Tyler Kaczmarek is a member of the technical staff in the Cyber Operations and Analysis Technology Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. His research interests include Blockchain, data provenance, and useable security.

Kaczmarek joined the Laboratory in 2018. He is currently working to develop a novel data-centric security paradigm that provides fine-grained integrity and confidentiality controls automatically while providing a coarse-grained human-readable provenance record. In addition, he is working on a rigorous framework for the evaluation of blockchain implementations in both public and private deployment settings.

Kaczmarek earned his BS degree in computer science from The George Washington University in 2013 and his MS and PhD degrees from the University of California Irvine in 2015 and 2018 respectively, under the supervision of Gene Tsudik.