Tactical Systems - Developing technologies that counter threats to U.S. forces

Tactical Systems

Developing technologies that counter threats to U.S. forces

We are advancing the development of tactical airborne and counterterrorism systems through systems analysis, rapid prototyping, and detailed, realistic instrumented tests.

Tactical Systems - Developing technologies that counter threats to U.S. forces

Tactical Systems Groups

We are a multidisciplinary team that provides timely, technology agnostic solutions to the most challenging U.S. defense and intelligence needs. We conceptualize systems to meet these needs and then develop the systems in a fast cycle of experimentation and prototyping.

Advancing Our Research


8 - 10
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts


View the leadership of the Tactical Systems research area.

Featured Publications

Robust network protocols for large swarms of small UAVs

Mar 5
2022 IEEE Aeropsace Conf., AERO 2022, 18 p.

A hands-on middle-school robotics software program at MIT

Mar 28
IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conf., 28 March 2020.

Prototype and analytics for discovery and exploitation of threat networks on social media

Nov 26
2019 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, EISIC, 26-27 November 2019.

Our Staff

View the biographies of members of the Tactical Systems research area.

Career Opportunities

Discover the exciting and challenging opportunities in Tactical Systems.