Use of features aloft in the TDWR microburst recognition algorithm
This paper describes the use of features aloft in the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TWDR) microburst recognition algorithm. The paper is divided into three sections: algorithm description, scan strategy and recent results. The prototype algorithm recognizes features aloft associated with microbursts, such as descending reflectivity cores and convergence aloft. The algorithm uses these signatures to improve the detection performance and timeliness of microburst hazard warnings. For example, the algorithm can use features aloft to make a microburst declaration while the surface outflow is still weak, thereby increasing the hazard warning time. An important factor in microburst recognition algorithm performance is the scan strategy employed. The TDWR scan strategy is designed for timely detection of microburst surface outflows and features aloft. The rationale for the prototype TDWR scan strategy is presented using Denver's Stapleton airport as an example. Recent results are presented demonstrating the ability of the system to recognize features aloft for microburst events observed during the summer of 1988 at Denver, CO. It is shown that the ability to recognize features aloft improved the probability of detection and hazard warning time for these events.