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A block diagram compiler for a digital signal processing MIMD computer

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. 4, 6-9 April 1987, pp. 1867-1870.


A Block Diagram Compiler (BOC) has been designed and implemented for converting graphic block diagram descriptions of signal processing tasks into source code to be executed on a Multiple Instruction Stream - Multiple Data Stream (MIMD) array computer. The compiler takes as input a block diagram of a real-time DSP application, entered on a graphics CAE workstation, and translates it into efficient real-time assembly language code for the target multiprocessor array. The current implementation produces code for a rectangular grid of Texas Instruments TMS32010 signal processors built at Lincoln Laboratory, but the concept could be extended to other processors or other geometries in the same way that a good assembly language programmer would write it. This report begins by examining the current implementation of the BOC including relevant aspects of the target hardware. Next, we describe the task-assignment module, which uses a simulated annealing algorithm to assign the processing tasks of the DSP application to individual processors in the array. Finally, our experiences with the current version of the BOC software and hardware are reported.


A Block Diagram Compiler (BOC) has been designed and implemented for converting graphic block diagram descriptions of signal processing tasks into source code to be executed on a Multiple Instruction Stream - Multiple Data Stream (MIMD) array computer. The compiler takes as input a block diagram of a real-time DSP...


A phrase recognizer using syllable-based acoustic measurements

Published in:
IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., Vol. ASSP-26, No. 5, October 1978, pp. 409-418.


A system for the recognition of spoken phrases is described. The recognizer assumes that the input utterance contains one of a known set of allowable phrases, which may be spoken within a longer carrier sentence. Analysis is performed on a syllable-by-syllable basis with only the strong syllables considered in the recognition process. Each strong syllable is represented in terms of a set of distinguishing acoustic measurements taken at time points in and around the syllable nucleus. Phrases are represented as sequences of strong syllables. All parameters used in recognition are derived from LPC coefficients. Input speech is limited to 3.3 kHZ upper frequency. Recognition is completed within 1-3 s after the utterance is spoken. An interactive training facility allows flexible composition of key phrase sets. Testing was performed for a number of phrase sets each containing ten or fewer phrases, and included equal numbers of talkers used in training and talkers not used in training. Average phrase recognition accuracy was 95 percent when parameters were derived from unquantized (i.e., 16 bit) LPC coefficients and 90 percent when the LPC coefficients were transmitted to the recognizer across the ARPA network at 3500 bits/s. The recognizer has been incorporated into a user interface system where the parameters required to set up a point-to-point ARPANET voice connection can be established remotely by voice.


A system for the recognition of spoken phrases is described. The recognizer assumes that the input utterance contains one of a known set of allowable phrases, which may be spoken within a longer carrier sentence. Analysis is performed on a syllable-by-syllable basis with only the strong syllables considered in the...


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