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'Perfect reconstruction' time-scaling filterbanks

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. III, 15-19 March 1999, pp. 945-948.


A filterbank-based method of time-scale modification is analyzed for elemental signals including clicks, sines, and AM-FM sines. It is shown that with the use of some basic properties of linear systems, as well as FM-to-AM filter transduction, "perfect reconstruction" time-scaling filterbanks can be constructed for these elemental signal classes under certain conditions on the filterbank. Conditions for perfect reconstruction time-scaling are shown analytically for the uniform filterbank case, while empirically for the nonuniform constant-Q (gammatone) case. Extension of perfect reconstruction to multi-component signals is shown to require both filterbank and signal-dependent conditions and indicates the need for a more complete theory of "perfect reconstruction" time-scaling filterbanks.


A filterbank-based method of time-scale modification is analyzed for elemental signals including clicks, sines, and AM-FM sines. It is shown that with the use of some basic properties of linear systems, as well as FM-to-AM filter transduction, "perfect reconstruction" time-scaling filterbanks can be constructed for these elemental signal classes under...


AM-FM separation using auditory-motivated filters

Published in:
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process., Vol. 5, No. 5, September 1997, pp. 465-480.


An approach to the joint estimation of sine-wave amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) is described based on the transduction of frequency modulation into amplitude modulation by linear filters, being motivated by the hypothesis that the auditory system uses a similar transduction mechanism in measuring sine-wave FM. An AM-FM estimation is described that uses the amplitude envelope of the output of two transduction filters of piecewise-linear spectral shape. The piecewise-linear constraint is then relaxed, allowing a wider class of transduction-filter pairs for AM-FM separation under a monotonicity constraint of the filters' quotient. The particular case of Gaussian filters, and measured auditory filters, although not leading to a solution in closed form, provide for iterative AM-FM estimation. Solution stability analysis and error evaluation are performed and the FM transduction method is compared with the energy separation algorithm, based on the Teager energy operator, and the Hilbert transform method for AM-FM estimation. Finally, a generalization to two-dimensional (2-D) filters is described.


An approach to the joint estimation of sine-wave amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) is described based on the transduction of frequency modulation into amplitude modulation by linear filters, being motivated by the hypothesis that the auditory system uses a similar transduction mechanism in measuring sine-wave FM. An AM-FM...


A subband approach to time-scale expansion of complex acoustic signals

Published in:
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process., Vol. 3, No. 6, November 1995, pp. 515-519.


A new approach to time-scale expansion of short-duration complex acoustic signals is introduced. Using a subband signal representation, channel phases are selected to preserve a desired time-scaled temporal envelope. The phase representation is derived from locations of events that occur within filter bank outputs. A frame-based generalization of the method imposes phase consistency across consecutive synthesis frames. The method is applied to synthetic and actual complex acoustic signals consisting of closely spaced rapidly damped sine wave. Time-frequency resolution limitations are discussed.


A new approach to time-scale expansion of short-duration complex acoustic signals is introduced. Using a subband signal representation, channel phases are selected to preserve a desired time-scaled temporal envelope. The phase representation is derived from locations of events that occur within filter bank outputs. A frame-based generalization of the method...


Time-scale modification with inconsistent constraints

Published in:
Proc. 1995 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio Acoustics, 15-18 October 1995.


A set theoretic estimation approach is introduced for timescale modification of complex acoustic signals. The method determines a signal that meets, in a least-squared error sense, desired temporal and spectral envelope constraints that are inconsistent. These constraints are generalized within the set theoretic framework to include other signal characteristics such as instantaneous frequency and group delay. The approach can enhance acoustic signals consisting of closely-spaced sequential time components, and is applicable to biological, underwater, and music sound processing.


A set theoretic estimation approach is introduced for timescale modification of complex acoustic signals. The method determines a signal that meets, in a least-squared error sense, desired temporal and spectral envelope constraints that are inconsistent. These constraints are generalized within the set theoretic framework to include other signal characteristics such...


Time-scale modification of complex acoustic signals

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. 1, Plenary, Special, Audio, Underwater Acoustics, VLSI, Neural Networks, 27-30 April 1993, pp. 213-216.


A new approach is introduced for time-scale modification of short-duration complex acoustic signals to improve their audibility. The technique constrains the modified signal to take on a specified spectral characteristic while imposing a time-scaled version of the original temporal envelope. Both full-band and sub-band representations of the temporal envelope are considered. In the full-band case, the modified signal is obtained by appropriate selection of its Fourier transform phase. In the sub-band case, using locations of maxima in the sub-band temporal envelopes, the phase of each bandpass signal is formed to preserve "events" in the envelope of the composite signal. The approach is applied to synthetic and actual short-duration acoustic signals consisting of closely-spaced and overlapping sequential time components.


A new approach is introduced for time-scale modification of short-duration complex acoustic signals to improve their audibility. The technique constrains the modified signal to take on a specified spectral characteristic while imposing a time-scaled version of the original temporal envelope. Both full-band and sub-band representations of the temporal envelope are...


Time-scale modification with temporal envelope invariance

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 17-20 October 1993, pp. 127-130.


A new approach is introduced for time-scale modification of short-duration complex acoustic signals to improve their audibility. The method preserves the time-scaled temporal envelope of a signal and for enhancement capitalizes on the perceptual importance of a signal's temporal structure. The basis for the approach is a sub-band representation whose channel phases are controlled to shape the temporal envelope of the time-scaled signal. The phase control is derived from locations of events which occur within filterbank outputs. A frame-based generalization of the method imposes phase consistency across consecutive synthesis frames. The approach is applied to synthetic and actual short-duration acoustic signals consisting of closely-spaced and overlapping sequential time components.


A new approach is introduced for time-scale modification of short-duration complex acoustic signals to improve their audibility. The method preserves the time-scaled temporal envelope of a signal and for enhancement capitalizes on the perceptual importance of a signal's temporal structure. The basis for the approach is a sub-band representation whose...


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