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Cooperative scattering by dielectric spheres

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report TN-1967-31


The problem of scattering of electromagnetic waves by a small number of closely spaced dielectric spheres is considered as a boundary value problem. The solution to this problem is obtained in a series form using partial spherical vector waves. An approximate solution is also obtained for spheres separated sufficiently far for waves scattered by one sphere and incident on another to be considered plane waves with an amplitude given by the solution to the single scattering problem. The use of both solutions is discussed.


The problem of scattering of electromagnetic waves by a small number of closely spaced dielectric spheres is considered as a boundary value problem. The solution to this problem is obtained in a series form using partial spherical vector waves. An approximate solution is also obtained for spheres separated sufficiently far...


Coherent pulse transmission through rain

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report TN-1966-63


The problem of received signal degradation for coherent pulse transmission through a rain scattering volume was investigated for large bandwidth transmission at 4.0, 8.0, 15.5 and 34. 86GHz. Calculations of pulse length and total pulse energy were made for different path lengths through the rain volume. The calculations were made for models of heavy and extreme rainfall, using rain rates 49.0 and 196.3 mm/hr. The results of the computations show that for the rain rates considered, the dominant cause of signal degradation is attenuation. Negligible pulse lengthening was noted at 34.86 GHz. For rain rates above 196 mm/hr. and frequencies of 15.5 and 8.0 GHz, measurable values of pulse lengthening were calculated for bandwidths above 2.0 GHz. At 4.0 GHz, measurable values of pulse lengthening were obtained for both rain rates considered.


The problem of received signal degradation for coherent pulse transmission through a rain scattering volume was investigated for large bandwidth transmission at 4.0, 8.0, 15.5 and 34. 86GHz. Calculations of pulse length and total pulse energy were made for different path lengths through the rain volume. The calculations were made...


Microwave scattering parameters for New England rain

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report TR-426


Scattergrams of attenuation coefficient, effective reflectivity factor, single-scattering albedo, and radio refractivity vs liquid-water content, rain rate, and reflectivity factor are presented for a raindrop temperature of 0.0 degrees celsius and frequencies of 1.29, 2.80, 8.0, 9.35, 15.5, 35.0, 70.0, and 94.0 GHz. The scattergrams were computed using Mie theory to compute the scattering parameters for single raindrops, and single-scattering theory to compute the integrated scattering effects of an ensemble of raindrops. Measured drop-size distributions were used to generate the scattergrams.


Scattergrams of attenuation coefficient, effective reflectivity factor, single-scattering albedo, and radio refractivity vs liquid-water content, rain rate, and reflectivity factor are presented for a raindrop temperature of 0.0 degrees celsius and frequencies of 1.29, 2.80, 8.0, 9.35, 15.5, 35.0, 70.0, and 94.0 GHz. The scattergrams were computed using Mie theory...