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Driving big data with big compute


Big Data (as embodied by Hadoop clusters) and Big Compute (as embodied by MPI clusters) provide unique capabilities for storing and processing large volumes of data. Hadoop clusters make distributed computing readily accessible to the Java community and MPI clusters provide high parallel efficiency for compute intensive workloads. Bringing the big data and big compute communities together is an active area of research. The LLGrid team has developed and deployed a number of technologies that aim to provide the best of both worlds. LLGrid MapReduce allows the map/reduce parallel programming model to be used quickly and efficiently in any language on any compute cluster. D4M (Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model) provided a high level distributed arrays interface to the Apache Accumulo database. The accessibility of these technologies is assessed by measuring the effort to use these tools and is typically a few lines of code. The performance is assessed by measuring the insert rate into the Accumulo database. Using these tools a database insert rate of 4M inserts/second has been achieved on an 8 node cluster.


Big Data (as embodied by Hadoop clusters) and Big Compute (as embodied by MPI clusters) provide unique capabilities for storing and processing large volumes of data. Hadoop clusters make distributed computing readily accessible to the Java community and MPI clusters provide high parallel efficiency for compute intensive workloads. Bringing the...


Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) database and computation system


A crucial element of large web companies is their ability to collect and analyze massive amounts of data. Tuple store databases are a key enabling technology employed by many of these companies (e.g., Google Big Table and Amazon Dynamo). Tuple stores are highly scalable and run on commodity clusters, but lack interfaces to support efficient development of mathematically based analytics. D4M (Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model) has been developed to provide a mathematically rich interface to tuple stores (and structured query language "SQL" databases). D4M allows linear algebra to be readily applied to databases. Using D4M, it is possible to create composable analytics with significantly less effort than using traditional approaches. This work describes the D4M technology and its application and performance.


A crucial element of large web companies is their ability to collect and analyze massive amounts of data. Tuple store databases are a key enabling technology employed by many of these companies (e.g., Google Big Table and Amazon Dynamo). Tuple stores are highly scalable and run on commodity clusters, but...


Benchmarking the MIT LL HPCMP DHPI system

Published in:
Annual High Performance Computer Modernization Program Users Group Conf., 19-21 June 2007.


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) Dedicated High Performance Computing Project Investment (DHPI) system was designed to address interactive algorithm development for Department of Defense (DoD) sensor processing systems. The results of the system acceptance test provide a clear quantitative picture of the capabilities of the system. The system acceptance test for MIT LL HPCMP DHPI hardware involved an array of benchmarks that exercised each of the components of the memory hierarchy, the scheduler, and the disk arrays. These benchmarks isolated the components to verify the functionality and performance of the system, and several system issues were discovered and rectified by using these benchmarks. The memory hierarchy was evaluated using the HPC Challenge benchmark suite, which is comprised of the following benchmarks: High Performance Linpack (HPL, also known as Top 500), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), STREAM, RandomAccess, and Effective Bandwidth. The compute nodes' Random Array of Independent Disks (RAID) arrays were evaluated with the Iozone benchmark. Finally, the scheduler and the reliability of the entire system were tested using both the HPC Challenge suite and the Iozone benchmark. For example executing the HPC Challenge benchmark suite on 416 processors, the system was able to achieve 1.42 TFlops (HPL), 34.7 GFlops (FFT), 1.24 TBytes/sec (STREAM Triad), and 0.16 GUPS (RandomAccess). This paper describes the components of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory HPCMP DHPI system, including its memory hierarchy. We present the HPC Challenge benchmark suite and Iozone benchmark and describe how each of the component benchmarks stress various components of the TX-2500 system. The results of the benchmarks are discussed, and the implications they have on the performance of the system. We conclude with a presentation of the findings.


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) Dedicated High Performance Computing Project Investment (DHPI) system was designed to address interactive algorithm development for Department of Defense (DoD) sensor processing systems. The results of the system acceptance test provide a clear quantitative picture...


Technical challenges of supporting interactive HPC

Published in:
Ann. High Performance Computer Modernization Program Users Group Conf., 19-21 June 2007.


Users' demand for interactive, on-demand access to a large pool of high performance computing (HPC) resources is increasing. The majority of users at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) are involved in the interactive development of sensor processing algorithms. This development often requires a large amount of computation due to the complexity of the algorithms being explored and/or the size of the data set being analyzed. These researchers also require rapid turnaround of their jobs because each iteration directly influences code changes made for the following iteration. Historically, batch queue systems have not been a good match for this kind of user. The Lincoln Laboratory Grid (LLGrid) system at MIT-LL is the largest dedicated interactive, on-demand HPC system in the world. While the system also accommodates some batch queue jobs, the vast majority of jobs submitted are interactive, on-demand jobs. Choosing between running a system with a batch queue or in an interactive, on-demand manner involves tradeoffs. This paper discusses the tradeoffs between operating a cluster as a batch system, an interactive, ondemand system, or a hybrid system. The LLGrid system has been operational for over three years, and now serves over 200 users from across Lincoln. The system has run over 100,000 interactive jobs. It has become an integral part of many researchers' algorithm development workflows. For instance, in batch queue systems, an individual user commonly can gain access to 25% of the processors in the system after the job has waited in the queue; in our experience with on-demand, interactive operation, individual users often can also gain access to 20-25% of the cluster processors. This paper will share a variety of the new data on our experiences with running an interactive, on-demand system that also provides some batch queue access. Keywords: grid computing, on-demand, interactive high performance computing, cluster computing, parallel MATLAB.


Users' demand for interactive, on-demand access to a large pool of high performance computing (HPC) resources is increasing. The majority of users at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) are involved in the interactive development of sensor processing algorithms. This development often requires a large amount of computation...


Technology requirements for supporting on-demand interactive grid computing


It is increasingly being recognized that a large pool of High Performance Computing (HPC) users requires interactive, on-demand access to HPC resources. How to provide these resources is a significant technical challenge that can be addressed from two directions. The first approach is to adapt existing batch queue based HPC systems to make them more interactive. The second approach is to start with existing interactive desktop environments (e.g., MATLAB) and design a system from the ground up that allows interactive parallel computing. The Lincoln Laboratory Grid (LLGrid) project has taken the latter approach. The LLGrid system has been operational for over a year with a few hundred processors and roughly 70 users, having run over 13,000 interactive jobs and consumed approximately 10,000 processor days of computation. This paper compares the on-demand and interactive computing features of four prominent batch queuing systems: openPBS, Sun GridEngine, Condor, and LSF. It goes on to briefly describe the LLGrid system, and how interactive, on-demand computing was achieved on it by binding to a resource management system. Finally, usage characteristics of the LLGrid system are discussed.


It is increasingly being recognized that a large pool of High Performance Computing (HPC) users requires interactive, on-demand access to HPC resources. How to provide these resources is a significant technical challenge that can be addressed from two directions. The first approach is to adapt existing batch queue based HPC...


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