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An overview of the DARPA Data Driven Discovery of Models (D3M) Program

Published in:
29th Conf. on Neural Information Processing Systems, NIPS, 5-10 December 2016.


A new DARPA program called Data Driven Discovery of Models (D3M) aims to develop automated model discovery systems that can be used by researchers with specific subject matter expertise to create empirical models of real, complex processes. Two major goals of this program are to allow experts to create empirical models without the need for data scientists and to increase the productivity of data scientists via automation. Automated model discovery systems developed will be tested on real-world problems that progressively get harder during the course of the program. Toward the end of the program, problems will be both unsolved and underspecified in terms of data and desired outcomes. The program will emphasize creating and leveraging open source technology and architecture. Our presentation reviews the goals and structure of this program which will begin early in 2017. Although the deadline for submitting proposals has past, we welcome suggestions concerning challenge tasks, evaluations, or new open-source data sets to be included for system development and evaluation that would supplement data currently being curated from many sources.


A new DARPA program called Data Driven Discovery of Models (D3M) aims to develop automated model discovery systems that can be used by researchers with specific subject matter expertise to create empirical models of real, complex processes. Two major goals of this program are to allow experts to create empirical...


Writing your first paper: from code to research

Published in:
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, 19-21 October 2016.


'Publish or perish,' once a term used to refer to the pressure placed on professors to publish their research has since expanded to apply to students and professionals in industry. There are numerous benefits to doing research and publishing the results, including personal satisfaction, career advancement, and prestige. In this session we will discuss how to begin doing research and write a first paper.


'Publish or perish,' once a term used to refer to the pressure placed on professors to publish their research has since expanded to apply to students and professionals in industry. There are numerous benefits to doing research and publishing the results, including personal satisfaction, career advancement, and prestige. In this...


Multi-modal audio, video and physiological sensor learning for continuous emotion prediction


The automatic determination of emotional state from multimedia content is an inherently challenging problem with a broad range of applications including biomedical diagnostics, multimedia retrieval, and human computer interfaces. The Audio Video Emotion Challenge (AVEC) 2016 provides a well-defined framework for developing and rigorously evaluating innovative approaches for estimating the arousal and valence states of emotion as a function of time. It presents the opportunity for investigating multimodal solutions that include audio, video, and physiological sensor signals. This paper provides an overview of our AVEC Emotion Challenge system, which uses multi-feature learning and fusion across all available modalities. It includes a number of technical contributions, including the development of novel high- and low-level features for modeling emotion in the audio, video, and physiological channels. Low-level features include modeling arousal in audio with minimal prosodic-based descriptors. High-level features are derived from supervised and unsupervised machine learning approaches based on sparse coding and deep learning. Finally, a state space estimation approach is applied for score fusion that demonstrates the importance of exploiting the time-series nature of the arousal and valence states. The resulting system outperforms the baseline systems [10] on the test evaluation set with an achieved Concordant Correlation Coefficient (CCC) for arousal of 0.770 vs 0.702 (baseline) and for valence of 0.687 vs 0.638. Future work will focus on exploiting the time-varying nature of individual channels in the multi-modal framework.


The automatic determination of emotional state from multimedia content is an inherently challenging problem with a broad range of applications including biomedical diagnostics, multimedia retrieval, and human computer interfaces. The Audio Video Emotion Challenge (AVEC) 2016 provides a well-defined framework for developing and rigorously evaluating innovative approaches for estimating the...


Detecting depression using vocal, facial and semantic communication cues


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is known to result in neurophysiological and neurocognitive changes that affect control of motor, linguistic, and cognitive functions. MDD's impact on these processes is reflected in an individual's communication via coupled mechanisms: vocal articulation, facial gesturing and choice of content to convey in a dialogue. In particular, MDD-induced neurophysiological changes are associated with a decline in dynamics and coordination of speech and facial motor control, while neurocognitive changes influence dialogue semantics. In this paper, biomarkers are derived from all of these modalities, drawing first from previously developed neurophysiologically motivated speech and facial coordination and timing features. In addition, a novel indicator of lower vocal tract constriction in articulation is incorporated that relates to vocal projection. Semantic features are analyzed for subject/avatar dialogue content using a sparse coded lexical embedding space, and for contextual clues related to the subject's present or past depression status. The features and depression classification system were developed for the 6th International Audio/Video Emotion Challenge (AVEC), which provides data consisting of audio, video-based facial action units, and transcribed text of individuals communicating with the human-controlled avatar. A clinical Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) score and binary depression decision are provided for each participant. PHQ predictions were obtained by fusing outputs from a Gaussian staircase regressor for each feature set, with results on the development set of mean F1=0.81, RMSE=5.31, and MAE=3.34. These compare favorably to the challenge baseline development results of mean F1=0.73, RMSE=6.62, and MAE=5.52. On test set evaluation, our system obtained a mean F1=0.70, which is similar to the challenge baseline test result. Future work calls for consideration of joint feature analyses across modalities in an effort to detect neurological disorders based on the interplay of motor, linguistic, affective, and cognitive components of communication.


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is known to result in neurophysiological and neurocognitive changes that affect control of motor, linguistic, and cognitive functions. MDD's impact on these processes is reflected in an individual's communication via coupled mechanisms: vocal articulation, facial gesturing and choice of content to convey in a dialogue. In...


How deep neural networks can improve emotion recognition on video data

Published in:
ICIP: 2016 IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, 25-28 September 2016.


We consider the task of dimensional emotion recognition on video data using deep learning. While several previous methods have shown the benefits of training temporal neural network models such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) on hand-crafted features, few works have considered combining convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with RNNs. In this work, we present a system that performs emotion recognition on video data using both CNNs and RNNs, and we also analyze how much each neural network component contributes to the system's overall performance. We present our findings on videos from the Audio/Visual+Emotion Challenge (AV+EC2015). In our experiments, we analyze the effects of several hyperparameters on overall performance while also achieving superior performance to the baseline and other competing methods.


We consider the task of dimensional emotion recognition on video data using deep learning. While several previous methods have shown the benefits of training temporal neural network models such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) on hand-crafted features, few works have considered combining convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with RNNs. In this...


I-vector speaker and language recognition system on Android

Published in:
HPEC 2016: IEEE Conf. on High Performance Extreme Computing, 13-15 September 2016.


I-Vector based speaker and language identification provides state of the art performance. However, this comes as a more computationally complex solution, which can often lead to challenges in resource-limited devices, such as phones or tablets. We present the implementation of an I-Vector speaker and language recognition system on the Android platform in the form of a fully functional application that allows speaker enrollment and language/speaker scoring within mobile contexts. We include a detailed account of the challenges to port the system and its dependencies, which were necessary to optimize matrix operations in the I-Vector implementation. The system was benchmarked on a for a Google Nexus 6, showing a speed increase of 61.68% in scoring and 82.63% in enrollment operations with the implemented optimizations. The application was tested in mobile settings on a Nexus 7 tablet with forty participants, showing a rough accuracy of 84%. The optimized platform showed the capacity to perform near real-time recognition within a mobile setting and showcases the viability of I-Vector systems on resource-limited environments.


I-Vector based speaker and language identification provides state of the art performance. However, this comes as a more computationally complex solution, which can often lead to challenges in resource-limited devices, such as phones or tablets. We present the implementation of an I-Vector speaker and language recognition system on the Android...


Sparse-coded net model and applications

Published in:
2016 IEEE Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 13-16 September 2016.


As an unsupervised learning method, sparse coding can discover high-level representations for an input in a large variety of learning problems. Under semi-supervised settings, sparse coding is used to extract features for a supervised task such as classification. While sparse representations learned from unlabeled data independently of the supervised task perform well, we argue that sparse coding should also be built as a holistic learning unit optimizing on the supervised task objectives more explicitly. In this paper, we propose sparse-coded net, a feedforward model that integrates sparse coding and task-driven output layers, and describe training methods in detail. After pretraining a sparse-coded net via semi-supervised learning, we optimize its task-specific performance in a novel backpropagation algorithm that can traverse nonlinear feature pooling operators to update the dictionary. Thus, sparse-coded net can be applied to supervised dictionary learning. We evaluate sparse-coded net with classification problems in sound, image, and text data. The results confirm a significant improvement over semi-supervised learning as well as superior classification performance against deep stacked autoencoder neural network and GMM-SVM pipelines in small to medium-scale settings.


As an unsupervised learning method, sparse coding can discover high-level representations for an input in a large variety of learning problems. Under semi-supervised settings, sparse coding is used to extract features for a supervised task such as classification. While sparse representations learned from unlabeled data independently of the supervised task...


Corpora for the evaluation of robust speaker recognition systems

Published in:
INTERSPEECH 2016: 16th Annual Conf. of the Int. Speech Communication Assoc., 8-12 September 2016.


The goal of this paper is to describe significant corpora available to support speaker recognition research and evaluation, along with details about the corpora collection and design. We describe the attributes of high-quality speaker recognition corpora. Considerations of the application, domain, and performance metrics are also discussed. Additionally, a literature survey of corpora used in speaker recognition research over the last 10 years is presented. Finally we show the most common corpora used in the research community and review them on their success in enabling meaningful speaker recognition research.


The goal of this paper is to describe significant corpora available to support speaker recognition research and evaluation, along with details about the corpora collection and design. We describe the attributes of high-quality speaker recognition corpora. Considerations of the application, domain, and performance metrics are also discussed. Additionally, a literature...


Relation of automatically extracted formant trajectories with intelligibility loss and speaking rate decline in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


Effective monitoring of bulbar disease progression in persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) requires rapid, objective, automatic assessment of speech loss. The purpose of this work was to identify acoustic features that aid in predicting intelligibility loss and speaking rate decline in individuals with ALS. Features were derived from statistics of the first (F1) and second (F2) formant frequency trajectories and their first and second derivatives. Motivated by a possible link between components of formant dynamics and specific articulator movements, these features were also computed for low-pass and high-pass filtered formant trajectories. When compared to clinician-rated intelligibility and speaking rate assessments, F2 features, particularly mean F2 speed and a novel feature, mean F2 acceleration, were most strongly correlated with intelligibility and speaking rate, respectively (Spearman correlations > 0.70, p < 0.0001). These features also yielded the best predictions in regression experiments (r > 0.60, p < 0.0001). Comparable results were achieved using low-pass filtered F2 trajectory features, with higher correlations and lower prediction errors achieved for speaking rate over intelligibility. These findings suggest information can be exploited in specific frequency components of formant trajectories, with implications for automatic monitoring of ALS.


Effective monitoring of bulbar disease progression in persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) requires rapid, objective, automatic assessment of speech loss. The purpose of this work was to identify acoustic features that aid in predicting intelligibility loss and speaking rate decline in individuals with ALS. Features were derived from statistics...


Relating estimated cyclic spectral peak frequency to measured epilarynx length using magnetic resonance imaging

Published in:
INTERSPEECH 2016: 16th Annual Conf. of the Int. Speech Communication Assoc., 8-12 September 2016.


The epilarynx plays an important role in speech production, carrying information about the individual speaker and manner of articulation. However, precise acoustic behavior of this lower vocal tract structure is difficult to establish. Focusing on acoustics observable in natural speech, recent spectral processing techniques isolate a unique resonance with characteristics of the epilarynx previously shown via simulation, specifically cyclicity (i.e. energy differences between the closed and open phases of the glottal cycle) in a 3-5kHz region observed across vowels. Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), the present work relates this estimated cyclic peak frequency to measured epilarynx length. Assuming a simple quarter wavelength relationship, the cavity length estimated from the cyclic peak frequency is shown to be directly proportional (linear fit slope =1.1) and highly correlated (p = 0.85, pval<10^?4) to the measured epilarynx length across speakers. Results are discussed, as are implications in speech science and application domains.


The epilarynx plays an important role in speech production, carrying information about the individual speaker and manner of articulation. However, precise acoustic behavior of this lower vocal tract structure is difficult to establish. Focusing on acoustics observable in natural speech, recent spectral processing techniques isolate a unique resonance with characteristics...