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Graphic showing a military servicemember on the left and a full hospital scenario on the right.
machine learning
This machine learning model will help military and hospital personnel predict when servicemembers and patients may recover following an injury or surgery.
Teaming autonomous ground and aerial vehicles improves autonomous off-road military missions.
autonomous systems
Teaming autonomous ground and aerial vehicles improves autonomous off-road military missions.
Multiple images of drawn faces in different colors connected by white lines.
machine learning
We are using reinforcement learning to train artificial intelligence to team with humans.
Model-Based Systems Engineering Analysis image of warfighter
systems engineering
We are developing a tool to evaluate the landscape of wearable sensors, algorithms, and technologies and apply them to warfighter health and performance monitoring.
A screenshot of the NetProf mobile interface shows two words (the Farsi word for capacity, and the Ukranian word for self-defense), with each word broken down by phoneme.
speech recognition
Powered by our automatic speech recognition technology, the Networked Pronunciation Feedback (NetProF) software application helps students practice pronunciation in foreign languages.
Psychological disorders have been shown to impact speech patterns. The PTSD screening tool will be able to detect these patterns and therefore inform military healthcare monitoring.
Psychological disorders have been shown to impact speech patterns. The PTSD screening tool will be able to detect these patterns and therefore inform military healthcare monitoring.
The commercial chest strap is equipped with the Laboratory-prototyped sensor hub. The sensor hub takes physiological measurements, which are used to estimate a strain index. This index indicates if the wearer is at risk for a heat-related illness.
New sensors that gather data on a soldier's physiological state can help prevent heat-related injuries.

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