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PMatlab: parallel Matlab library for signal processing applications

Published in:
ICASSP, 32nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, April 2007, pp. IV-1189 - IV-1192.


MATLAB is one of the most commonly used languages for scientific computing with approximately one million users worldwide. At MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MATLAB is used by technical staff to develop sensor processing algorithms. MATLAB'S popularity is based on availability of high-level abstractions leading to reduced code development time. Due to the compute intensive nature of scientific computing, these applications often require long running times and would benefit greatly from increased performance offered by parallel computing. pMatlab implements partitioned global address space (PGAS) support via standard operator overloading techniques. The core data structures in pMatlab are distributed arrays and maps, which simplify parallel programming by removing the need for explicit message passing. This paper presents the pMaltab design and results for the HPC Challenge benchmark suite. Additionally, two case studies of pMatlab use are described.


MATLAB is one of the most commonly used languages for scientific computing with approximately one million users worldwide. At MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MATLAB is used by technical staff to develop sensor processing algorithms. MATLAB'S popularity is based on availability of high-level abstractions leading to reduced code development time. Due to...


Writing parallel parameter sweep applications with pMATLAB

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory external web site [2005].


Parameter sweep applications execute the same piece of code multiple times with unique sets of input parameters. This type of application is extremely amenable to parallelization. This document describes how to parallelize parameter sweep applications with pMATLAB by introducting a simple serial parameter sweep applicaiton written in MATLAB, then parallelizing the application using pMATLAB.


Parameter sweep applications execute the same piece of code multiple times with unique sets of input parameters. This type of application is extremely amenable to parallelization. This document describes how to parallelize parameter sweep applications with pMATLAB by introducting a simple serial parameter sweep applicaiton written in MATLAB, then parallelizing...


Polymorphous computing architecture (PCA) kernel-level benchmarks [revision 1]

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report PCA-KERNEL-1,REV.1


This document describes a series of kernel benchmarks for the PCA program. Each kernel benchmark is an operation of importance to DoD sensor applications making use of a PCA architecture. Many of these operations are a part of the composite example applications described elsewhere. The kernel-level benchmarks have been chosen to stress both computation and communication aspects of the architecture. "Computation" aspects include floating-point and integer performance, as well as the memory hierarchy, while the "communication" aspects include the network, the memory hierarchy, and the I/O capabilities. The particular benchmarks chosen are based on the frequency of their use in current and future applications. They are drawn from the areas of signal processing, communication, and information and knowledge processing. The specification of the benchmarks in this document is meant to be high-level and largely independent of the implementation.


This document describes a series of kernel benchmarks for the PCA program. Each kernel benchmark is an operation of importance to DoD sensor applications making use of a PCA architecture. Many of these operations are a part of the composite example applications described elsewhere. The kernel-level benchmarks have been chosen...


Technology requirements for supporting on-demand interactive grid computing


It is increasingly being recognized that a large pool of High Performance Computing (HPC) users requires interactive, on-demand access to HPC resources. How to provide these resources is a significant technical challenge that can be addressed from two directions. The first approach is to adapt existing batch queue based HPC systems to make them more interactive. The second approach is to start with existing interactive desktop environments (e.g., MATLAB) and design a system from the ground up that allows interactive parallel computing. The Lincoln Laboratory Grid (LLGrid) project has taken the latter approach. The LLGrid system has been operational for over a year with a few hundred processors and roughly 70 users, having run over 13,000 interactive jobs and consumed approximately 10,000 processor days of computation. This paper compares the on-demand and interactive computing features of four prominent batch queuing systems: openPBS, Sun GridEngine, Condor, and LSF. It goes on to briefly describe the LLGrid system, and how interactive, on-demand computing was achieved on it by binding to a resource management system. Finally, usage characteristics of the LLGrid system are discussed.


It is increasingly being recognized that a large pool of High Performance Computing (HPC) users requires interactive, on-demand access to HPC resources. How to provide these resources is a significant technical challenge that can be addressed from two directions. The first approach is to adapt existing batch queue based HPC...


Next-generation technologies to enable sensor networks

Published in:
Handbook of Sensor Networks, Chapter 2


Examples are advances in ground moving target indicator (GMTI) processing, space-time adaptive processing (STAP), target discrimination, and electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM). All these advances have improved the capabilities of radar sensors. Major improvements expected in the next several years will come from exploiting collaborative network-centric architectures to leverage synergies among individual sensors. Such an approach has become feasible as a result of major advances in network computing, as well as communication technologies in both wireless and fiber networks. The exponential growth of digital technology, together with highly capable networks, enable in-depth exploitation of sensor synergy, including multi-aspect sensing. New signal processing algorithms exploiting multi-sensor data have been demonstrated in non-real-time, achieving improved performance against surface mobile targets by leveraging high-speed sensor networks. The paper demonstrates a significant advancement in exploiting complex ground moving target indicator (GMTI) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data to accurately geo-locate and identify mobile targets.


Examples are advances in ground moving target indicator (GMTI) processing, space-time adaptive processing (STAP), target discrimination, and electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM). All these advances have improved the capabilities of radar sensors. Major improvements expected in the next several years will come from exploiting collaborative network-centric architectures to leverage synergies among individual...


Discrete optimization using decision-directed learning for distributed networked computing


Decision-directed learning (DDL) is an iterative discrete approach to finding a feasible solution for large-scale combinatorial optimization problems. DDL is capable of efficiently formulating a solution to network scheduling problems that involve load limiting device utilization, selecting parallel configurations for software applications and host hardware using a minimum set of resources, and meeting time-to-result performance requirements in a dynamic network environment. This paper quantifies the algorithms that constitute DDL and compares its performance to other popular combinatorial self-directed real-time networked resource configuration for dynamically building a mission specific signal-processor for real-time distributed and parallel applications.


Decision-directed learning (DDL) is an iterative discrete approach to finding a feasible solution for large-scale combinatorial optimization problems. DDL is capable of efficiently formulating a solution to network scheduling problems that involve load limiting device utilization, selecting parallel configurations for software applications and host hardware using a minimum set of...


The effect of personality type on the usage of a multimedia engineering education system

Published in:
32nd Annual ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conf., 6-9 November 2002, pp. T3A-7 - T3A-12.


Multimedia education has quickly entered our classrooms and offices providing tutorials and lessons on many different topics. The assumption that most people interact with these multimedia systems in similar ways can easily be made, but are these assumptions valid? What factors determine whether students will embrace computer-based multimedia-augmented learning? One factor may be the student's personality type. This paper explores the reasons why some students may enjoy learning using computer-based educational delivery systems while others may have absolutely no enthusiasm for this type of learning and how that enthusiasm may relate to the students' personality types.


Multimedia education has quickly entered our classrooms and offices providing tutorials and lessons on many different topics. The assumption that most people interact with these multimedia systems in similar ways can easily be made, but are these assumptions valid? What factors determine whether students will embrace computer-based multimedia-augmented learning? One...