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Two photos are shown of the same landscape. The left hand photo shows a clear day, with a mountain in the distance. The right hand side shows a foggy view, with the mountain obscured.
air traffic control
An algorithm uses camera imagery to estimate visibility for pilots flying in remote areas that lack weather sensors.
The GBSAA system displace shows a terrain map with navigational aid overlaid.
air traffic control
A radar and guidance system enables uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) to avoid collisions with other aircraft, allowing the Department of Defense to operate UAS in the National Airspace System.
a screenshot of a user interface shows a world map with radar-like depictions of rain bands, colored blue, green, and yellow.
aviation weather
By compiling lightning data, satellite imagery, and numerical weather models, the GSWR provides radar-like analyses and forecasts over regions not observed by actual weather radars.
A large KC-135R tanker aircraft refuels an F-15 Eagle aircraft while they in mid air.
artificial intelligence
Our model optimizes the scheduling of aerial refueling missions, saving fuel and costs for the Department of Defense.
The antennas on the Small Airport Surveillance Sensor receive signals from aircraft transponders containing information about the aircraft's identification, speed, and altitude.
An affordable radar surveillance system will help tower controllers at small airports monitor traffic even under poor visibility conditions.
ACAS-X alerts pilots to nearby traffic and issues actions to avoid collisions with other aircraft.
collision avoidance
A next-generation collision avoidance system will help pilots and unmanned aircraft safely navigate the airspace.

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