Dimitris G. Manolakis

Dr. Dimitris G. Manolakis, a senior staff member in the Applied Space Systems Group, joined Lincoln Laboratory in 1999 and has combined an extensive research career with a commitment to education.
Manolakis' work has included the exploration and development of techniques in digital signal processing, adaptive filtering, array processing, pattern recognition, and remote sensing. His recent research has focused on algorithms for hyperspectral target detection and modeling of spatio-temporal count data from down-looking sensors.
Throughout his career, Manolakis has been involved in educating future engineers. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Athens, at which he earned a BS degree in physics and a PhD in electrical engineering; Northeastern University, at which he is an adjunct professor; Boston College; and Worcester Polytechnic Institute. In addition, through an in-house technical education program, he conducts courses in digital and statistical signal processing and adaptive filtering to explain fundamental principles and concepts to Lincoln Laboratory staff members embarking on research in these areas. In 2013, Manolakis was recognized with an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society Education Award for his dedication to advancing education through the development of curriculum materials, publication of scholarly texts, and teaching.
Manolakis is a prolific writer. He has authored or coauthored more than 135 articles on topics ranging from digital signal processing to hyperspectral remote sensing of chemical plumes to hyperspectral image processing for automatic target detection; these articles have been cited in almost 5000 scientific publications. In addition, he has coauthored three textbooks that are widely used in academia: "Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications" (Prentice Hall, 2006, 4th ed.), which has been translated into six languages and cited 41,000 times; "Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing" (Artech House, 2005); and "Applied Digital Signal Processing" (Cambridge University Press, 2011).