Channel compensation for SVM speaker recognition
May 31, 2004
Conference Paper
Published in:
Odyssey, The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 31 May - 3 June 2004.
R&D Area:
Channel compensation for SVM speaker recognition
One of the major remaining challenges to improving accuracy in state-of-the-art speaker recognition algorithms is reducing the impact of channel and handset variations on system performance. For Gaussian Mixture Model based speaker recognition systems, a variety of channel-adaptation techniques are known and available for adapting models between different channel conditions, but for the much more recent Support Vector Machine (SVM) based approaches to this problem, much less is known about the best way to handle this issue. In this paper we explore techniques that are specific to the SVM framework in order to derive fully non-linear channel compensations. The result is a system that is less sensitive to specific kinds of labeled channel variations observed in training.