Matching community structure across online social networks
August 3, 2016
Journal Article
Published in:
arXiv, 3 August 2016.
R&D Area:
The discovery of community structure in networks is a problem of considerable interest in recent years. In online social networks, often times, users are simultaneously involved in multiple social media sites, some of which share common social relationships. It is of great interest to uncover a shared community structure across these networks. However, in reality, users typically identify themselves with different usernames across social media sites. This creates a great difficulty in detecting the community structure. In this paper, we explore several approaches for community detection across online social networks with limited knowledge of username alignment across the networks. We refer to the known alignment of usernames as seeds. We investigate strategies for seed selection and its impact on networks with a different fraction of overlapping vertices. The goal is to study the interplay between network topologies and seed selection strategies, and to understand how it affects the detected community structure. We also propose several measures to assess the performance of community detection and use them to measure the quality of the detected communities in both Twitter-Twitter networks and Twitter-Instagram networks.