ASR-8/TDX-2000 performance analysis: evaluation of multiple-time-around-detection (MTAD) algorithm and final report
October 1, 2001
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-300
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
This report documents the analysis of and subsequent improvements to the performance of the ASR-8/TDX-2000 digitizer equipment combination. Working at the FAA's Palm Springs, CA and Williams (Mesa, AZ) ASR-8 facilities, data was methodically collected and analyzed to isolate the causes of reported correlated radar-only tracks that were being dropped or were never initiated. These problems were subsequently fixed via hard and soft parameter changes in the TDX-2000. A significant study was also undertaken in conjunction with the Sensis Corporation to improve the TDX-2000's capability to reject returns from multiple-time-around detections. The details of that algorithm modification and the results of follow-on testing and analysis are described. Final conclusions on the status of the project are also included.