Adjoint analysis of guidance systems for time-series inputs using Fourier analysis
The adjoint technique is a proven technique for analysis of linear time-varying systems and is widely used in the missile design community. It is a very efficient technique that can solve for both deterministic and stochastic disturbances and can develop a miss distance budget in a single computer solution of...
Using filter banks to improve interceptor performance against weaving targets
It is well known that interceptor performance against a weaving or spiraling target can be improved by use of a special purpose weave guidance law. However the weave guidance law requires knowledge of the target weave frequency. When the target weave frequency is unknown an extended Kalman filter is usually...
Normalized analysis of interceptor missiles using the four-state optimal guidance system
Performance prediction of miss distance due to sensor measurement errors and random target manuevers for missiles using proportional navigation guidance has been analyzed using the adjoint technique; a normalization technique has been usedto reduce the solution of the set of differential equations describing the proportional navigationguidance problemto a set of...
Improving the high altitude performance of tail-controlled endoatmospheric missiles
It is demonstrated that at high altitude the performance of a tail-controlled aerodynamic missile can degrade because of the existence of low frequency right-half plane zeroes in the airframe transfer function when either proportional navigation or optimal guidance is used. A new guidance law that accounts for the airframe zeroes...
Miss distance analysis for command guided missiles
A concise theoretical technique is presented for estimating the minimum miss distance capability of command guided missile systems using synthetic proportional navigation. The effect of the parameter values on the system capability is shown to be a function of range-to-intercept; the technique enables the system designer and analyst to quantify...