Results of L band multipath measurements at operational United States (U.S.) airports in support of the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Precision Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/P)
July 23, 1981
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-109
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
This report presents the results of a short duration L band multipath measurement program at five major U.S. airports (St. Louis, Tulsa, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Philadelphia and Washington National) and one smaller airport (Quonset, RI) to better quantify the expected multipath environment for the Microwave Landing System (MLS) Precision Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/P). Specific objectives included: (1) Measurements of the principal multipath parameters (amplitude and time delay) with realistic aircraft/ground site locations at runways which had the major DME/multipath sources (large buildings) identified in previous analytical (simulation) studies. (2) Determination of whether significant DME/P multipath sources exist which had not been considered to date and (3) Comparison of the measured results with computer simulation results obtained with simplified airport models (such as have been used for DME/P system design to date). Particular emphasis was placed on the final approach region including the flare and rollout regions since these areas correspond to the most stringent DME/P accuracy requirements and, have not been utilized operationally with the current L band DME. All of the above objectives were achieved although in some cases the experimental data in the flare/rollout region was of poor quality due to low signal to noise ratio. The spatial region and time delay of specular multipath generally correlated well with expectations based on simple ray tracing. With the exception of Washington National, no significant (multipath to direct signal ratio (M/D >110 dB) multipath was encountered in operationally relevant areas which was not predicted. The quantitative predictions of the simple airport models agreed with the experimental data, although in some cases, (especially, near threshold) the measured M/D values were considerably higher than predictions.