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Toward an improved concept-based information retrieval system

Published in:
Proc. of the 24th Annual ACM SIGIR Conf. on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 9-13 September 2001, pp. 384-385.


This paper presents a novel information retrieval system that includes 1) the addition of concepts to facilitate the identification of the correct word sense, 2) a natural language query interface, 3) the inclusion of weights and penalties for proper nouns that build upon the Okapi weighting scheme, and 4) a term clustering technique that exploits the spatial proximity of search terms in a document to further improve the performance. The effectiveness of the system is validated by experimental results.


This paper presents a novel information retrieval system that includes 1) the addition of concepts to facilitate the identification of the correct word sense, 2) a natural language query interface, 3) the inclusion of weights and penalties for proper nouns that build upon the Okapi weighting scheme, and 4) a...


The use of dynamic segment scoring for language-independent question answering

Published in:
Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Human Language Technology Research, HLT, 18-21 March 2001.


This paper presents a novel language-independent question/answering (Q/A) system based on natural language processing techniques, shallow query understanding, dynamic sliding window techniques, and statistical proximity distribution matching techniques. The performance of the proposed system using the latest Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-8) data was comparable to results reported by the top TREC-8 contenders.


This paper presents a novel language-independent question/answering (Q/A) system based on natural language processing techniques, shallow query understanding, dynamic sliding window techniques, and statistical proximity distribution matching techniques. The performance of the proposed system using the latest Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-8) data was comparable to results reported by the top...


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