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Exploiting temporal vulnerabilities for unauthorized access in intent-based networking

Published in:
ACM Conf. on Computer and Communications Security, CCS '24, 14-18 October 2024.


Intent-based networking (IBN) enables network administrators to express high-level goals and network policies without needing to specify low-level forwarding configurations, topologies, or protocols. Administrators can define intents that capture the overall behavior they want from the network, and an IBN controller compiles such intents into low-level configurations that get installed in the network and implement the desired behavior. We discovered that current IBN specifications and implementations do not specify that flow rule installation orderings should be enforced, which leads to temporal vulnerabilities where, for a limited time, attackers can exploit indeterminate connectivity behavior to gain unauthorized network access. In this paper, we analyze the causes of such temporal vulnerabilities and their security impacts with a representative case study via the ONOS IBN implementation.We devise the Phantom Link attack and demonstrate a working exploit to highlight the security impacts. To defend against such attacks, we propose Spotlight, a detection method that can alert a system administrator of risky intent updates prone to exploitable temporal vulnerabilities. Spotlight is effective in identifying risky updates using realistic network topologies and policies. We show that Spotlight can detect risky updates in a mean time of 0.65 seconds for topologies of over 1,300 nodes.


Intent-based networking (IBN) enables network administrators to express high-level goals and network policies without needing to specify low-level forwarding configurations, topologies, or protocols. Administrators can define intents that capture the overall behavior they want from the network, and an IBN controller compiles such intents into low-level configurations that get installed...


On randomization in MTD systems

Published in:
Proc. of the 9th ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense, MTD ’22, 7 November 2022.


Randomization is one of the main strategies in providing security in moving-target-defense (MTD) systems. However, randomization has an associated cost and estimating this cost and its impact on the overall system is crucial to ensure adoption of the MTD strategy. In this paper we discuss our experience in attempting to estimate the cost of path randomization in a message transmission system that used randomization of paths in the network. Our conclusions are (i) the cost crucially depends on the underlying network control technology, (ii) one can reduce this cost by better implementation, and (iii) reducing one type of cost may result in increased costs of a different type, for example a higher device cost. These suggest that estimating the cost of randomization is a multivariable optimization problem that requires a full understanding of the system components.


Randomization is one of the main strategies in providing security in moving-target-defense (MTD) systems. However, randomization has an associated cost and estimating this cost and its impact on the overall system is crucial to ensure adoption of the MTD strategy. In this paper we discuss our experience in attempting to...


The tale of discovering a side channel in secure message transmission systems

Published in:
The Conf. for Failed Approaches and Insightful Losses in Cryptology, CFAIL, 13 August 2022.


Secure message transmission (SMT) systems provide information theoretic security for point-to-point message transmission in networks that are partially controlled by an adversary. This is the story of a research project that aimed to implement a flavour of SMT protocols that uses "path hopping" with the goal of quantifying the real-life efficiency of the system, and while failing to achieve this initial goal, let to the discovery a side-channel that affects the security of a wide range of SMT implementations.


Secure message transmission (SMT) systems provide information theoretic security for point-to-point message transmission in networks that are partially controlled by an adversary. This is the story of a research project that aimed to implement a flavour of SMT protocols that uses "path hopping" with the goal of quantifying the real-life...


More than a fair share: Network Data Remanence attacks against secret sharing-based schemes

Published in:
Network and Distributed Systems Security Symp., NDSS, 23-26 February 2021.


With progress toward a practical quantum computer has come an increasingly rapid search for quantum-safe, secure communication schemes that do not rely on discrete logarithm or factorization problems. One such encryption scheme, Multi-path Switching with Secret Sharing (MSSS), combines secret sharing with multi-path switching to achieve security as long as the adversary does not have global observability of all paths and thus cannot capture enough shares to reconstruct messages. MSSS assumes that sending a share on a path is an atomic operation and all paths have the same delay. In this paper, we identify a side-channel vulnerability for MSSS, created by the fact that in real networks, sending a share is not an atomic operation as paths have multiple hops and different delays. This channel, referred to as Network Data Remanence (NDR), is present in all schemes like MSSS whose security relies on transfer atomicity and all paths having same delay. We demonstrate the presence of NDR in a physical testbed. We then identify two new attacks that aim to exploit the side channel, referred to as NDR Blind and NDR Planned, propose an analytical model to analyze the attacks, and demonstrate them using an implementation of MSSS based on the ONOS SDN controller. Finally, we present a countermeasure for the attacks and show its effectiveness in simulations and Mininet experiments.


With progress toward a practical quantum computer has come an increasingly rapid search for quantum-safe, secure communication schemes that do not rely on discrete logarithm or factorization problems. One such encryption scheme, Multi-path Switching with Secret Sharing (MSSS), combines secret sharing with multi-path switching to achieve security as long as...


Cross-app poisoning in software-defined networking

Published in:
Proc. ACM Conf. on Computer and Communications Security, CCS, 15-18 October 2018, pp. 648-63.


Software-defined networking (SDN) continues to grow in popularity because of its programmable and extensible control plane realized through network applications (apps). However, apps introduce significant security challenges that can systemically disrupt network operations, since apps must access or modify data in a shared control plane state. If our understanding of how such data propagate within the control plane is inadequate, apps can co-opt other apps, causing them to poison the control plane's integrity. We present a class of SDN control plane integrity attacks that we call cross-app poisoning (CAP), in which an unprivileged app manipulates the shared control plane state to trick a privileged app into taking actions on its behalf. We demonstrate how role-based access control (RBAC) schemes are insufficient for preventing such attacks because they neither track information flow nor enforce information flow control (IFC). We also present a defense, ProvSDN, that uses data provenance to track information flow and serves as an online reference monitor to prevent CAP attacks. We implement ProvSDN on the ONOS SDN controller and demonstrate that information flow can be tracked with low-latency overheads.


Software-defined networking (SDN) continues to grow in popularity because of its programmable and extensible control plane realized through network applications (apps). However, apps introduce significant security challenges that can systemically disrupt network operations, since apps must access or modify data in a shared control plane state. If our understanding of...


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