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Network performance of pLEO topologies in a high-inclination Walker Delta Satellite Constellation

Published in:
IEEE Aerospace Conf. Proc., 4-11 March 2023, 188722.
R&D group:


Low-earth-orbit satellite constellations with hundreds to thousands of satellites are emerging as practical alternatives for providing various types of data services such as global networking and large-scale sensing. The network performance of these satellite constellations is strongly dependent on the topology of the inter-satellite links (ISLs) in such systems. This paper studies the effects of six different ISL topologies, coupled with three configurations of ground relay terminals, on path failure rate, path latency, and link transmission efficiency in an example highly-inclined Walker Delta constellation with 360 satellites. These network performance parameters are calculated in the presence of satellite failures in the constellation. Trade-offs between ISL connection density and overall performance are examined and quantified. Topologies with 4 active ISLs per satellite are shown to perform significantly better than topologies requiring fewer, especially as the average number of active ISLs per satellite becomes significantly less than three. Latencies for a topology requiring 3 active ISLs per satellite are shown to be between 15 and 60% higher than for a 4-ISL reference topology. Path availabilities for the 3-ISL topology are shown to be on the order of 30% lower for a benchmark case of 10 satellite failures. The performance of near-minimal topologies (e.g., an average of 2.2 active ISLs per satellite) is much worse. Latency reductions of 10-30% and path failure rate improvements on the order of 45% are shown to be obtainable by the inclusion of 2 to 5 strategically located ground relay stations


Low-earth-orbit satellite constellations with hundreds to thousands of satellites are emerging as practical alternatives for providing various types of data services such as global networking and large-scale sensing. The network performance of these satellite constellations is strongly dependent on the topology of the inter-satellite links (ISLs) in such systems. This...


Contingent routing using orbital geometry in proliferated low-earth-orbit satellite networks

Published in:
2022 IEEE Military Communications Conf., MILCOM, 28 November - 2 December 2022.
R&D group:


Optimum adaptive routing in proliferated low-earth-orbit (pLEO) satellite networks requires intensive computation. The very small size, light weight, and low power of individual satellites in such networks makes a centralized, terrestrial, SDN-like approach to routing computation an attractive solution. However, it is highly desirable to have a distributed backup routing capability onboard each satellite that can maintain service if the central computational node(s) fail or lose their pathway(s) to upload routing data frequently to each satellite. This paper presents a routing algorithm based on orbital geometry that has a very low computation and storage requirements and is suitable as a backup routing capability in the event of failure of a centralized routing calculation node or nodes. Path failure rate, path latency, and link resource usage are simulated for a 360-satellite Walker Delta constellation with 4 inter-satellite link (ISL) terminals per satellite, and with up to 10% of the satellites having failed. For the fully intact satellite constellation, path failure rate is zero (identical to a shortest path routing algorithm), while mean latency and average link resource usage are shown to be approximately 12% and 13% higher, respectively, than with shortest path routing. With 10 random satellite failures in the constellation, the geometric algorithm has a path failure rate of less than 0.5%, while the mean latency and link resource usage are approximately 12% and 16% higher, respectively, than with shortest path routing.


Optimum adaptive routing in proliferated low-earth-orbit (pLEO) satellite networks requires intensive computation. The very small size, light weight, and low power of individual satellites in such networks makes a centralized, terrestrial, SDN-like approach to routing computation an attractive solution. However, it is highly desirable to have a distributed backup routing...


Failure resilience in proliferated low earth orbit satellite network topologies

Published in:
2022 IEEE Military Communications Conf., MILCOM, 28 November - 2 December 2022.
R&D group:


The vision of continuous network connectivity for users located anywhere on Earth is increasingly being enabled by satellite constellations with hundreds to thousands of satellites operating in low altitude orbits (typically somewhere between a few hundred and two thousand km). These constellations are often referred to as proliferated Low Earth Orbit (pLEO) constellations. Potential military use of such constellations would require a high degree of resilience against various types of failures. This paper examines how resilience to satellite failures in particular is affected by topology and topology management for a moderate-sized constellation of 360 low-earth-orbit satellites providing 2X-redundant global coverage. We present simulations quantifying the effects of two vs. four inter-satellite links (ISLs) per satellite, and of dynamic post-failure topology reconfiguration vs static topology management. Simulations show differences of 65-80% in mission connectivity between 4-ISL topologies with dynamic topology reconfiguration and 2-ISL topologies with static topology using two different traffic scenarios.


The vision of continuous network connectivity for users located anywhere on Earth is increasingly being enabled by satellite constellations with hundreds to thousands of satellites operating in low altitude orbits (typically somewhere between a few hundred and two thousand km). These constellations are often referred to as proliferated Low Earth...


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