Contributions to the AIAA Guidance, Navigation & Control Conference
This report contains six papers presented by the Lincoln Laboratory Air Traffic Control Systems Group at the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA) Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) conference on 6-9 August 2001 in Montreal, Canada. The work reported was sponsored by the NASA Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT) program and the FAA Free Flight Phase 1 (FFPl) program. The papers are based on studies completed at Lincoln Laboratory in collaboration with staff at NASA Ames Research Center. These papers were presented in the Air Traffic Automation Session of the conference and fall into three major areas: Traffic Analysis & Benefits Studies, Weather/Automation Integration, and Surface Surveillance. In the first area, a paper by Andrews & Robinson presents an analysis of the efficiency of runway operations at Dallas/l%. Worth using a tool called PARO, and a paper by Welch, Andrews, & Robinson presents delay benefit results for the Final Approach Spacing Tool (FAST). In the second area, a paper by Campbell, et al. describes a new weather distribution system for the Center/TRACON Automation System (CTAS) that allows ingestion of multiple weather sources, and a paper by van de Venne, Lloyd, & Hogaboom describes the use of the NOAA Eta model as a backup wind data source for CTAS. Also in this area, a paper by Murphy & Campbell presents initial steps towards integrating weather-impacted routes into FAST. In the third area, a paper by Welch, Bussolari, and Atkins presents an initial operational concept for using surface surveillance to reduce taxi delays.