The design and evaluation of the Lightning Imaging Sensor Data Applications Display (LISDAD)
The ultimate goal of the LISDAD system is to quantify the utility of total lightning infomation in short-term, severe-weather-forecasting operations. Secondary goals were to collect times series of various storm-cell parameters that relate to storm development and electrification and subsequently make these data available for post-facto analysis. To these ends scientists from NASA, NWS, and MIT/LL organized an effort to study the relationship of lightning and severe-weather on a storm-by-storm, and even cell-by-cell basis for as many storms as possible near Melbourne, Florida. Melbourne was chosen as it offers a unique combination of high probability of severe weather and proximity to major relevant sensors, specifically: NASA's total lightning mapping system at Kennedy Space Center (the LDAR system) at KSC [Lennon and Maier, 1991], a NWS / NEXRAD radar at Melbourne, and a prototype Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), at Orlando. The ITWS system obtains cloud-to-ground lightning information from the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) via a link to Lexington, MA, and also uses NSSL's Severe Storms Analysis Package (NSSL / SSAP) to obtain information about various storm-cell parameters