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The FAA AWRP oceanic weather program development team


Remote, oceanic regions have few, if any, high resolution weather products that indicate the current or future locations of aviation hazards such as volcanic ash, convection, turbulence, icing or adverse headwinds. Moreover, oceanic regions present unique challenges due to severely limited data availability, the long duration of transoceanic flights and the difficulty of transmitting critical information into the cockpit. In 2001, the Oceanic Weather Program Development Team (OWPDT; Herzegh et al. 2002) was organized within the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP) to focus on resourceful methods for overcoming these limitations through the use of a diverse range of satellite observations, global model results and satellite-based communications. Resulting products focus on the needs of pilots, dispatchers, air traffic managers and forecasters within the oceanic aviation community. The team is a leader in the inflight display of weather products and will continue to develop new displays as products become available.


Remote, oceanic regions have few, if any, high resolution weather products that indicate the current or future locations of aviation hazards such as volcanic ash, convection, turbulence, icing or adverse headwinds. Moreover, oceanic regions present unique challenges due to severely limited data availability, the long duration of transoceanic flights and...


The identification and verification of hazardous convective cells over oceans using visible and infrared satellite observations


Three algorithms based on geostationary visible and infrared (IR) observations, are used to identify convective cells that do (or may) present a hazard to aviation over the oceans. The algorithms were developed at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), and Aviation Weather Center (AWC). The performance of the algorithms in detecting potentially hazardous cells is determined through verification based upon data from National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite observations of lightning and radar reflectivity, which provide internal information about the convective cells. The probability of detection of hazardous cells using the satellite algorithms can exceed 90% when lightning is used as a criterion for hazard, but the false alarm ratio with all three algorithms is consistently large (~40%), thereby exaggerating the presence of hazardous conditions. This shortcoming results in part from limitations resulting from the algorithms' dependence upon visible and IR observations, and can be traced to the widespread prevalence of deep cumulonimbi with weak updrafts but without lightning, whose origin is attributed to pronounced departures from non-dilute ascent.


Three algorithms based on geostationary visible and infrared (IR) observations, are used to identify convective cells that do (or may) present a hazard to aviation over the oceans. The algorithms were developed at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), and Aviation Weather Center (AWC). The...


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