Convection diagnosis and nowcasting for oceanic aviation applications
An oceanic convection diagnosis and nowcasting system is described whose domain of interest is the region between the southern continental United States and the northern extent of South America. In this system, geostationary satellite imagery are used to define the locations of deep convective clouds through the weighted combination of...
The FAA AWRP oceanic weather program development team
Remote, oceanic regions have few, if any, high resolution weather products that indicate the current or future locations of aviation hazards such as volcanic ash, convection, turbulence, icing or adverse headwinds. Moreover, oceanic regions present unique challenges due to severely limited data availability, the long duration of transoceanic flights and...
Development of automated aviation weather products for ocean/remote regions: scientific and practical challenges, research strategies, and first steps
From the common and recognizable occurrence of convection, to the sporadic and far less visible reach of volcanic ash, meteorological phenomena impose diverse challenges to the efficiency, economic viability, and safety of flight operations across the global oceans. Those challenges are compounded by special difficulties associated with nowcasting and forecasting...