A new application of adaptive noise cancellation
A new application of Widrow's adaptive noise cancellation (ANC) is presented in this paper. Specifically, the method is applied to the case where an acoustic barrier exists between the primary and reference microphones. By updating the coefficients of the noise estimation filter only during silence, it is shown that ANC...
Adaptive noise cancellation in a fighter cockpit environment
In this paper we discuss some preliminary results on using Widrow's Adaptive Noise Cancelling (ANC) algorithm to reduce the background noise present in a fighter pilot's speech. With a dominant noise source present and with the pilot wearing an oxygen facemask, we demonstrate that good (>10 dB) cancellation of the...
Frequency sampling of the short-time Fourier-transform magnitude for signal reconstruction
Unique recovery of a signal from the magnitude (modulus) of the Fourier transform has been of long-standing interest in image and optical processing in which Fourier-transform phase is lost or difficult to measure. We investigate an alternative problem of recovering a signal from the Fourier-transform magnitude of overlapping regions of...
Signal reconstruction from the short-time Fourier transform magnitude
In this paper, a signal is shown to be uniquely represented by the magnitude of its short-time Fourier transform (STFT) under mild restrictions on the signal and the analysis window of the STFT. Furthermore, various algorithms are developed which reconstruct signal from appropriate samples of the STFT magnitude. Several of...