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The Speech Enhancement via Attention Masking Network (SEAMNET): an end-to-end system for joint suppression of noise and reverberation [early access]
This paper proposes the Speech Enhancement via Attention Masking Network (SEAMNET), a neural network-based end-to-end single-channel speech enhancement system designed for joint suppression of noise and reverberation. It formalizes an end-to-end network architecture, referred to as b-Net, which accomplishes noise suppression through attention masking in a learned embedding space. A...
Speech enhancement using sparse convolutive non-negative matrix factorization with basis adaptation
We introduce a framework for speech enhancement based on convolutive non-negative matrix factorization that leverages available speech data to enhance arbitrary noisy utterances with no a priori knowledge of the speakers or noise types present. Previous approaches have shown the utility of a sparse reconstruction of the speech-only components of...
Linear prediction modulation filtering for speaker recognition of reverberant speech
This paper proposes a framework for spectral enhancement of reverberant speech based on inversion of the modulation transfer function. All-pole modeling of modulation spectra of clean and degraded speech are utilized to derive the linear prediction inverse modulation transfer function (LP-IMTF) solution as a low-order IIR filter in the modulation...
Multi-pitch estimation by a joint 2-D representation of pitch and pitch dynamics
Multi-pitch estimation of co-channel speech is especially challenging when the underlying pitch tracks are close in pitch value (e.g., when pitch tracks cross). Building on our previous work, we demonstrate the utility of a two-dimensional (2-D) analysis method of speech for this problem by exploiting its joint representation of pitch...
Towards co-channel speaker separation by 2-D demodulation of spectrograms
This paper explores a two-dimensional (2-D) processing approach for co-channel speaker separation of voiced speech. We analyze localized time-frequency regions of a narrowband spectrogram using 2-D Fourier transforms and propose a 2-D amplitude modulation model based on pitch information for single and multi-speaker content in each region. Our model maps...
Time-varying autoregressive tests for multiscale speech analysis
In this paper we develop hypothesis tests for speech waveform nonstationarity based on time-varying autoregressive models, and demonstrate their efficacy in speech analysis tasks at both segmental and sub-segmental scales. Key to the successful synthesis of these ideas is our employment of a generalized likelihood ratio testing framework tailored to...
Cognitive services for the user
Software-defined cognitive radios (CRs) use voice as a primary input/output (I/O) modality and are expected to have substantial computational resources capable of supporting advanced speech- and audio-processing applications. This chapter extends previous work on speech applications (e.g., [1]) to cognitive services that enhance military mission capability by capitalizing on automatic...
Adaptive short-time analysis-synthesis for speech enhancement
In this paper we propose a multiresolution short-time analysis method for speech enhancement. It is well known that fixed resolution methods such as the traditional short-time Fourier transform do not generally match the time-frequency structure of the signal being analyzed resulting in poor estimates of the speech and noise spectra...
Multisensor dynamic waveform fusion
Speech communication is significantly more difficult in severe acoustic background noise environments, especially when low-rate speech coders are used. Non-acoustic sensors, such as radar sensors, vibrometers, and bone-conduction microphones, offer significant potential in these situations. We extend previous work on fixed waveform fusion from multiple sensors to an optimal dynamic...
Pitch-scale modification using the modulated aspiration noise source
Spectral harmonic/noise component analysis of spoken vowels shows evidence of noise modulations with peaks in the estimated noise source component synchronous with both the open phase of the periodic source and with time instants of glottal closure. Inspired by this observation of natural modulations and of fullband energy in the...