A generative approach to condition-aware score calibration for speaker verification
In speaker verification, score calibration is employed to transform verification scores to log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) which are statistically interpretable. Conventional calibration techniques apply a global score transform. However, in condition-aware (CA) calibration, information conveying signal conditions is provided as input, allowing calibration to be adaptive. This paper explores a generative...
Advances in cross-lingual and cross-source audio-visual speaker recognition: The JHU-MIT system for NIST SRE21
We present a condensed description of the joint effort of JHUCLSP/HLTCOE, MIT-LL and AGH for NIST SRE21. NIST SRE21 consisted of speaker detection over multilingual conversational telephone speech (CTS) and audio from video (AfV). Besides the regular audio track, the evaluation also contains visual (face recognition) and multi-modal tracks. This...
Advances in speaker recognition for multilingual conversational telephone speech: the JHU-MIT system for NIST SRE20 CTS challenge
We present a condensed description of the joint effort of JHUCLSP/HLTCOE and MIT-LL for NIST SRE20. NIST SRE20 CTS consisted of multilingual conversational telephone speech. The set of languages included in the evaluation was not provided, encouraging the participants to develop systems robust to any language. We evaluated x-vector architectures...
Bayesian estimation of PLDA in the presence of noisy training labels, with applications to speaker verification
This paper presents a Bayesian framework for estimating a Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) model in the presence of noisy labels. True class labels are interpreted as latent random variables, which are transmitted through a noisy channel, and received as observed speaker labels. The labeling process is modeled as a...
Unsupervised Bayesian adaptation of PLDA for speaker verification
This paper presents a Bayesian framework for unsupervised domain adaptation of Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA). By interpreting class labels as latent random variables, Variational Bayes (VB) is used to derive a maximum a posterior (MAP) solution of the adapted PLDA model when labels are missing, referred to as VB-MAP...
Speaker separation in realistic noise environments with applications to a cognitively-controlled hearing aid
Future wearable technology may provide for enhanced communication in noisy environments and for the ability to pick out a single talker of interest in a crowded room simply by the listener shifting their attentional focus. Such a system relies on two components, speaker separation and decoding the listener's attention to...
The Speech Enhancement via Attention Masking Network (SEAMNET): an end-to-end system for joint suppression of noise and reverberation [early access]
This paper proposes the Speech Enhancement via Attention Masking Network (SEAMNET), a neural network-based end-to-end single-channel speech enhancement system designed for joint suppression of noise and reverberation. It formalizes an end-to-end network architecture, referred to as b-Net, which accomplishes noise suppression through attention masking in a learned embedding space. A...
Bayesian estimation of PLDA with noisy training labels, with applications to speaker verification
This paper proposes a method for Bayesian estimation of probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) when training labels are noisy. Label errors can be expected during e.g. large or distributed data collections, or for crowd-sourced data labeling. By interpreting true labels as latent random variables, the observed labels are modeled as...
Discriminative PLDA for speaker verification with X-vectors
This paper proposes a novel approach to discrimina-tive training of probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) for speaker verification with x-vectors. Model over-fitting is a well-known issue with discriminative PLDA (D-PLDA) forspeaker verification. As opposed to prior approaches which address this by limiting the number of trainable parameters, the proposed method...
State-of-the-art speaker recognition for telephone and video speech: the JHU-MIT submission for NIST SRE18
We present a condensed description of the joint effort of JHUCLSP, JHU-HLTCOE, MIT-LL., MIT CSAIL and LSE-EPITA for NIST SRE18. All the developed systems consisted of xvector/i-vector embeddings with some flavor of PLDA backend. Very deep x-vector architectures–Extended and Factorized TDNN, and ResNets– clearly outperformed shallower xvectors and i-vectors. The...