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A generative approach to condition-aware score calibration for speaker verification
In speaker verification, score calibration is employed to transform verification scores to log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) which are statistically interpretable. Conventional calibration techniques apply a global score transform. However, in condition-aware (CA) calibration, information conveying signal conditions is provided as input, allowing calibration to be adaptive. This paper explores a generative...
The JHU-MIT System Description for NIST SRE19 AV
This document represents the SRE19 AV submission by the team composed of JHU-CLSP, JHU-HLTCOE and MIT Lincoln Labs. All the developed systems for the audio and videoconditions consisted of Neural network embeddings with some flavor of PLDA/cosine back-end. Primary fusions obtained Actual DCF of 0.250 on SRE18 VAST eval, 0.183...
Approaches for language identification in mismatched environments
In this paper, we consider the task of language identification in the context of mismatch conditions. Specifically, we address the issue of using unlabeled data in the domain of interest to improve the performance of a state-of-the-art system. The evaluation is performed on a 9-language set that includes data in...
Multi-modal audio, video and physiological sensor learning for continuous emotion prediction
The automatic determination of emotional state from multimedia content is an inherently challenging problem with a broad range of applications including biomedical diagnostics, multimedia retrieval, and human computer interfaces. The Audio Video Emotion Challenge (AVEC) 2016 provides a well-defined framework for developing and rigorously evaluating innovative approaches for estimating the...
Detecting depression using vocal, facial and semantic communication cues
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is known to result in neurophysiological and neurocognitive changes that affect control of motor, linguistic, and cognitive functions. MDD's impact on these processes is reflected in an individual's communication via coupled mechanisms: vocal articulation, facial gesturing and choice of content to convey in a dialogue. In...
I-vector speaker and language recognition system on Android
I-Vector based speaker and language identification provides state of the art performance. However, this comes as a more computationally complex solution, which can often lead to challenges in resource-limited devices, such as phones or tablets. We present the implementation of an I-Vector speaker and language recognition system on the Android...
The MITLL NIST LRE 2015 Language Recognition System
In this paper we describe the most recent MIT Lincoln Laboratory language recognition system developed for the NIST 2015 Language Recognition Evaluation (LRE). The submission features a fusion of five core classifiers, with most systems developed in the context of an i-vector framework. The 2015 evaluation presented new paradigms. First...
Estimating lower vocal tract features with closed-open phase spectral analyses
Previous studies have shown that, in addition to being speaker-dependent yet context-independent, lower vocal tract acoustics significantly impact the speech spectrum at mid-to-high frequencies (e.g 3-6kHz). The present work automatically estimates spectral features that exhibit acoustic properties of the lower vocal tract. Specifically aiming to capture the cyclicity property of...
Language recognition via i-vectors and dimensionality reduction
In this paper, a new language identification system is presented based on the total variability approach previously developed in the field of speaker identification. Various techniques are employed to extract the most salient features in the lower dimensional i-vector space and the system developed results in excellent performance on the...
The MITLL NIST LRE 2009 language recognition system
This paper presents a description of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory language recognition system submitted to the NIST 2009 Language Recognition Evaluation (LRE). This system consists of a fusion of three core recognizers, two based on spectral similarity and one based on tokenization. The 2009 LRE differed from previous ones in...