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Holding the high ground: Defending satellites from cyber attack

Published in:
The Cyber Edge by Signal, 31 March 2023.


MIT Lincoln Laboratory and the Space Cyber-Resiliency group at Air Force Research Laboratory-Space Vehicles Directorate have prototyped a practical, operationally capable and secure-by-design spaceflight software platform called Cyber-Hardened Satellite Software (CHSS) for building space mission applications with security, recoverability and performance as first-class system design priorities. Following a successful evaluation of CHSS against an existing U.S. Space Force (USSF) mission, the CHSS platform is currently being extended to support hybrid space vehicle architectures that incorporate both CHSS-aware and legacy subsystems. CHSS has the potential to revolutionize the cyber-resiliency of space systems and substantially ease the burden of defensive cyber operations (DCO).


MIT Lincoln Laboratory and the Space Cyber-Resiliency group at Air Force Research Laboratory-Space Vehicles Directorate have prototyped a practical, operationally capable and secure-by-design spaceflight software platform called Cyber-Hardened Satellite Software (CHSS) for building space mission applications with security, recoverability and performance as first-class system design priorities. Following a successful evaluation...


The thundering herd: Amplifying kernel interference to attack response times

Published in:
2022 IEEE 28th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symp., RTAS, 4-6 May 2022.


Embedded and real-time systems are increasingly attached to networks. This enables broader coordination beyond the physical system, but also opens the system to attacks. The increasingly complex workloads of these systems include software of varying assurance levels, including that which might be susceptible to compromise by remote attackers. To limit the impact of compromise, u-kernels focus on maintaining strong memory protection domains between different bodies of software, including system services. They enable limited coordination between processes through Inter-Process Communication (IPC). Real-time systems also require strong temporal guarantees for tasks, and thus need temporal isolation to limit the impact of malicious software. This is challenging as multiple client threads that use IPC to request service from a shared server will impact each other's response times. To constrain the temporal interference between threads, modern u-kernels often build priority and budget awareness into the system. Unfortunately, this paper demonstrates that this is more challenging than previously thought. Adding priority awareness to IPC processing can lead to significant interference due to the kernel's prioritization logic. Adding budget awareness similarly creates opportunities for interference due to the budget tracking and management operations. In both situations, a Thundering Herd of malicious threads can significantly delay the activation of mission-critical tasks. The Thundering Herd effects are evaluated on seL4 and results demonstrate that high-priority threads can be delayed by over 100,000 cycles per malicious thread. This paper reveals a challenging dilemma: the temporal protections u-kernels add can, themselves, provide means of threatening temporal isolation. Finally, to defend the system, we identify and empirically evaluate possible mitigations, and propose an admission-control test based upon an interference-aware analysis.


Embedded and real-time systems are increasingly attached to networks. This enables broader coordination beyond the physical system, but also opens the system to attacks. The increasingly complex workloads of these systems include software of varying assurance levels, including that which might be susceptible to compromise by remote attackers. To limit...


Cross-language attacks

Published in:
Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2022.


Memory corruption attacks against unsafe programming languages like C/C++ have been a major threat to computer systems for multiple decades. Various sanitizers and runtime exploit mitigation techniques have been shown to only provide partial protection at best. Recently developed ‘safe’ programming languages such as Rust and Go hold the promise to change this paradigm by preventing memory corruption bugs using a strong type system and proper compile-time and runtime checks. Gradual deployment of these languages has been touted as a way of improving the security of existing applications before entire applications can be developed in safe languages. This is notable in popular applications such as Firefox and Tor. In this paper, we systematically analyze the security of multi-language applications. We show that because language safety checks in safe languages and exploit mitigation techniques applied to unsafe languages (e.g., Control-Flow Integrity) break different stages of an exploit to prevent control hijacking attacks, an attacker can carefully maneuver between the languages to mount a successful attack. In essence, we illustrate that the incompatible set of assumptions made in various languages enables attacks that are not possible in each language alone. We study different variants of these attacks and analyze Firefox to illustrate the feasibility and extent of this problem. Our findings show that gradual deployment of safe programming languages, if not done with extreme care, can indeed be detrimental to security.


Memory corruption attacks against unsafe programming languages like C/C++ have been a major threat to computer systems for multiple decades. Various sanitizers and runtime exploit mitigation techniques have been shown to only provide partial protection at best. Recently developed ‘safe’ programming languages such as Rust and Go hold the promise...


Keeping Safe Rust safe with Galeed

Published in:
Annual Computer Security Applications Conf., ACSAC, December 2021, pp. 824-36.


Rust is a programming language that simultaneously offers high performance and strong security guarantees. Safe Rust (i.e., Rust code that does not use the unsafe keyword) is memory and type safe. However, these guarantees are violated when safe Rust interacts with unsafe code, most notably code written in other programming languages, including in legacy C/C++ applications that are incrementally deploying Rust. This is a significant problem as major applications such as Firefox, Chrome, AWS, Windows, and Linux have either deployed Rust or are exploring doing so. It is important to emphasize that unsafe code is not only unsafe itself, but also it breaks the safety guarantees of ‘safe’ Rust; e.g., a dangling pointer in a linked C/C++ library can access and overwrite memory allocated to Rust even when the Rust code is fully safe. This paper presents Galeed, a technique to keep safe Rust safe from interference from unsafe code. Galeed has two components: a runtime defense to prevent unintended interactions between safe Rust and unsafe code and a sanitizer to secure intended interactions. The runtime component works by isolating Rust’s heap from any external access and is enforced using Intel Memory Protection Key (MPK) technology. The sanitizer uses a smart data structure that we call pseudo-pointer along with automated code transformation to avoid passing raw pointers across safe/unsafe boundaries during intended interactions (e.g., when Rust and C++ code exchange data). We implement and evaluate the effectiveness and performance of Galeed via micro- and macro-benchmarking, and use it to secure a widely used component of Firefox.


Rust is a programming language that simultaneously offers high performance and strong security guarantees. Safe Rust (i.e., Rust code that does not use the unsafe keyword) is memory and type safe. However, these guarantees are violated when safe Rust interacts with unsafe code, most notably code written in other programming...


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