Airborne Intelligence Display (AID) phase I software description
October 24, 1983
Project Report
Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-123
R&D area:
R&D group:
The Airborne Intelligent Display is a microprocessor-based display capable of serving as a cockpit data terminal in a variety of FAA developmental applications. A prototype of this display was developed by Lincoln Laboratory during 1979-1980 in order to evaluate and demonstrate the use of the data link between Mode S ground sensor and Mode S transponder-equipped aircraft. The AID served as a data link interface allowing the pilot to see, respond to, and initiate communications from a ground sensor. Later, when Lincoln began testing the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), the AID became the TCAS display device, showing position estimates for TCAS-tracked aircraft. More recently, a redesign effort, focused principally on software, was begun to extend the AID design so that it could be more quickly adapted to a variety of FAA developmental programs. This document describes the redesigned Airborne Intelligent Display, with special emphasis on software design.
The Airborne Intelligent Display is a microprocessor-based display capable of serving as a cockpit data terminal in a variety of FAA developmental applications. A prototype of this display was developed by Lincoln Laboratory during 1979-1980 in order to evaluate and demonstrate the use of the data link between Mode S...