Medium Intensity Airport Weather System (MIAWS)
Operational experience with the Integrated Terminal Weather Systems (ITWS) and Airport Surveillance Radar, Model 9, (ASR-9) Weather System Processor (WSP) demonstration systems, studies of pilot weather avoidance decision making), and recent accidents have demonstrated the need to provide timely, accurate information on the location and movement of storms to air...
A 9PAC system and application programmer's guide
The ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9PAC) is a custom processing card that provides the ASR-9 system with increased beacon and radar processing performance. This paper describes the system and application software that executes on the prototype board, with an emphasis on the interaction between software modules. The application software on...
Airborne Intelligence Display (AID) phase I software description
The Airborne Intelligent Display is a microprocessor-based display capable of serving as a cockpit data terminal in a variety of FAA developmental applications. A prototype of this display was developed by Lincoln Laboratory during 1979-1980 in order to evaluate and demonstrate the use of the data link between Mode S...