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A scalable signal processing architecture for massive graph analysis

Published in:
ICASSP 2012, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 25-30 March 2012, pp. 5329-32.


In many applications, it is convenient to represent data as a graph, and often these datasets will be quite large. This paper presents an architecture for analyzing massive graphs, with a focus on signal processing applications such as modeling, filtering, and signal detection. We describe the architecture, which covers the entire processing chain, from data storage to graph construction to graph analysis and subgraph detection. The data are stored in a new format that allows easy extraction of graphs representing any relationship existing in the data. The principal analysis algorithm is the partial eigendecomposition of the modularity matrix, whose running time is discussed. A large document dataset is analyzed, and we present subgraphs that stand out in the principal eigenspace of the time varying graphs, including behavior we regard as clutter as well as small, tightly-connected clusters that emerge over time.


In many applications, it is convenient to represent data as a graph, and often these datasets will be quite large. This paper presents an architecture for analyzing massive graphs, with a focus on signal processing applications such as modeling, filtering, and signal detection. We describe the architecture, which covers the...


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