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75,000,000,000 streaming inserts/second using hierarchical hypersparse GraphBLAS matrices
The SuiteSparse GraphBLAS C-library implements high performance hypersparse matrices with bindings to a variety of languages (Python, Julia, and Matlab/Octave). GraphBLAS provides a lightweight in-memory database implementation of hypersparse matrices that are ideal for analyzing many types of network data, while providing rigorous mathematical guarantees, such as linearity. Streaming updates...
Large scale parallelization using file-based communications
In this paper, we present a novel and new file-based communication architecture using the local filesystem for large scale parallelization. This new approach eliminates the issues with filesystem overload and resource contention when using the central filesystem for large parallel jobs. The new approach incurs additional overhead due to inter-node...
FastDAWG: improving data migration in the BigDAWG polystore system
The problem of data integration has been around for decades, yet a satisfactory solution has not yet emerged. A new type of system called a polystore has surfaced to partially address the integration problem. Based on experience with our own polystore called Big-DAWG, we identify three major roadblocks to an...
Scaling big data platform for big data pipeline
Monitoring and Managing High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and environments generate an ever growing amount of data. Making sense of this data and generating a platform where the data can be visualized for system administrators and management to proactively identify system failures or understand the state of the system requires...
A billion updates per second using 30,000 hierarchical in-memory D4M databases
Analyzing large scale networks requires high performance streaming updates of graph representations of these data. Associative arrays are mathematical objects combining properties of spreadsheets, databases, matrices, and graphs, and are well-suited for representing and analyzing streaming network data. The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) library implements associative arrays in...
Hyperscaling internet graph analysis with D4M on the MIT SuperCloud
Detecting anomalous behavior in network traffic is a major challenge due to the volume and velocity of network traffic. For example, a 10 Gigabit Ethernet connection can generate over 50 MB/s of packet headers. For global network providers, this challenge can be amplified by many orders of magnitude. Development of...
TabulaROSA: tabular operating system architecture for massively parallel heterogeneous compute engines
The rise in computing hardware choices is driving a reevaluation of operating systems. The traditional role of an operating system controlling the execution of its own hardware is evolving toward a model whereby the controlling processor is distinct from the compute engines that are performing most of the computations. In...
Simulation approach to sensor placement using Unity3D
3D game simulation engines have demonstrated utility in the areas of training, scientific analysis, and knowledge solicitation. This paper will make the case for the use of 3D game simulation engines in the field of sensor placement optimization. Our study used a series of parallel simulations in the Unity3D simulation...
Colorization of H&E stained tissue using deep learning
Histopathology is a critical tool in the diagnosis and stratification of cancer. Digital Pathology involves the scanning of stained and fixed tissue samples to produce high-resolution images that can be used for computer-aided diagnosis and research. A common challenge in digital pathology related to the quality and characteristics of staining...
On large-scale graph generation with validation of diverse triangle statistics at edges and vertices
Researchers developing implementations of distributed graph analytic algorithms require graph generators that yield graphs sharing the challenging characteristics of real-world graphs (small-world, scale-free, heavy-tailed degree distribution) with efficiently calculable ground-truth solutions to the desired output. Reproducibility for current generators used in benchmarking are somewhat lacking in this respect due to...