TabulaROSA: tabular operating system architecture for massively parallel heterogeneous compute engines
The rise in computing hardware choices is driving a reevaluation of operating systems. The traditional role of an operating system controlling the execution of its own hardware is evolving toward a model whereby the controlling processor is distinct from the compute engines that are performing most of the computations. In...
Julia implementation of the Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model
Julia is a new language for writing data analysis programs that are easy to implement and run at high performance. Similarly, the Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) aims to clarify data analysis operations while retaining strong performance. D4M accomplishes these goals through a composable, unified data model on associative...
Visualizing Large Kronecker Graphs
Kronecker graphs have been shown to be one of the most promising models for real-world networks. Visualization of Kronecker graphs is an important challenge. This chapter describes an interactive framework to assist scientists and engineers in generating, analyzing, and visualizing Kronecker graphs with as little effort as possible.